
react-countries-app-djmiro0 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • clone the repo
  • install the dependencies: npm i


  1. In App.js, route to the pages components you find in folder views using react-router-dom.
  2. in AllCountries component:
  • fetch all the countries on load (which hook do we use for this?) from restcountries using this URL https://restcountries.com/v2/all

  • save the received array of countries in a local state {countries}

  • show each country in the array {countries} using the template component CountryCard

  1. in ByRegion component, you find a local state called {region} already exists with an initial value:
  • fetch the countries by region on load (which hook do we use for this?) and make sure it gets executed every time the state {region} changes (what should you add to that hook?) using this URL https://restcountries.com/v2/region/{region}

  • save the received array of countries in a local state {countries}

  • show each country in the array {countries} using the template component CountryCard

  • add a change event to the radio inputs to save their values in the state {region} when they change.

  1. in ByName component:
  • save the user input in a local state then use it to fetch a country by name onSubmit using this URL https://restcountries.com/v2/name/{name}

  • save the received object of the searched country in a local state {country} then show it using the component SearchResult

First Page: all Second Page: region Third Page: search