
An Android experiment using MVVM and DataBinding.

Explaining Implementation


I used Kotlin instead of Java, which it's pretty much self explanatory.


The architecture that I'm using it's a simple MVVM with DataBinding without the Architecture Components.
I wanted to use DataBinding pointing directly to the ViewModel fields, which is only possible using MutableLiveData after the 3.1.0-alpha Gradle release.

I'm not very confident with the alpha version to use it in this experiment, that's why I used ObservableField instead.

Dependency Injection

The dependency graph is built based on I created three types of scope to include all dependencies.

  • Singleton for app level dependencies
  • ActivityScope for every dependency used inside an Activity lifecycle
  • FragmentScope dependencies living inside a Fragment attachment lifecycle

All the communication between Activity <-> Fragments are done via DI using scopes.

Place Awareness

I used the APIs from Google Play Services, like the Current Place Discovery and Predictions. For location updates I used the new FusedLocationProviderClient implementation.

I created a simple logic for the place discovery, if the Google Places returns an address more than 30 meters away from the current user position, I fetch the local Geocoder for closer current address.


Yeah I used mostly Fragments to do the View layer, but please don't be scared.

The reasons that I chose to use Fragments were:

  • I wanted to create smooth transitions between Views
  • Load the Map just once (performance stuff)
  • With Fragments it was much more simpler to create Subcomponent scopes using DaggerAndroid.
Future Improvements
  • Update Gradle to 3.1.0-alphaX to use MutableLiveData instead of ObservableField for DataBinding
Other stuff

I won't discuss everything in this file, but if you have any question or want to kill me for anything that I did, please contact me I'll be glad to discuss it with you.