
TVStudy Data Processing and Constraint Generation software to generate pairwise interference constraint files for use in the repacking process of the incentive auction software

Primary LanguageJava

Constraint Generator


The TVStudy Data Processing and Constraint Generation (Constraint Generator) software is used to process data produced by the FCC's TVStudy software to create pairwise interference constraint files in the format adopted by the FCC for use in the repacking process of the upcoming broadcast incentive auction.

The Constraint Generator comprises two distinct steps. First, SQL scripts process raw point data produced by TVStudy to generate a database of pairwise station interference data. Next, a Java program outputs the constraint files in a specified format using the processed data from the SQL database.

FCC Releases


Constraint Generator is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.

System Requirements

  • Platforms: Constraint Generator runs on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows platforms.
  • Software Pre-requisites: Java Runtime Environment (JRE7), PostgreSQL 9.3.1 or higher, Git, and TVStudy 1.3.1
  • Disk Space: 1 TB (recommended).
    Note: Each run of TVStudy produces over 500GB of data that must be loaded into a robust database. Once loaded, indexing of data requires additional space.
  • Memory & Processing: 4GB RAM (recommended) & modern multi-core processor.


This manual is for Constraint Generator v1.0.0 (Linux/Mac OS X version). To install Constraint Generator on Windows, please see the README.windows.md file.


  1. Download the Constraint Generator software
git clone https://github.com/fcc/Constraint-Generator/
  1. Install PostgreSQL 9.3.1 or higher on your local machine or a robust computer using the default settings.
  2. Extract tvstudyprocessing.zip to create the ./tvstudyprocessing/ folder.
unzip tvstudyprocessing.zip

Setting up the Database

PostgreSQL Setup

  1. Connect to the default postgres database using the psql command line tool, and enter the password configured during installation if prompted
  • Note: on some platforms, you may need to edit the /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.cnf file or run sudo -i -u postgres first if you receive an authentication error when running the psql command.
psql -d postgres
  1. At the psql console prompt, create a PostgreSQL user (default: db_ia_owner) and set a password (default: changeme)
CREATE USER db_ia_owner WITH PASSWORD 'changeme';
  1. Create a PostgreSQL database db_ia for TVStudy data processing
CREATE DATABASE db_ia OWNER db_ia_owner;
  1. Grant privileges on the db_ia database to the user db_ia_owner

Reference Table Setup

Note: This step only needs to be run once.

  1. Using the terminal, connect to the db_ia database as user db_ia_owner using the psql command line tool (enter the configured password if prompted)
psql -d db_ia -U db_ia_owner -h localhost
  1. Create the ia schema as the db_ia_owner
  1. Grant additional privileges to db_ia_owner
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ia TO db_ia_owner;
  1. Change the working directory to the base of the Constraint-Generator directory (e.g., /Users/FCC/Documents/Constraint-Generator/)
\cd /Users/FCC/Documents/Constraint-Generator/
  1. Run the SQL code that creates and loads data into all the reference tables
\i 'scripts/reference.sql'

Note: the step above, and all other SQL scripts, expects .csv data to exist in the ./tvstudyprocessing/ folder on the machine running the PostgreSQL database. Please make sure that you have downloaded and extracted the tvstudyprocessing.zip file to this folder.

TVStudy Output Data Processing

In order to use this code to process TVStudy output data, you must run the TVStudy software 8 times using the following specific sets of channel replications:

  • Channel 2, 3, 4
  • Channel 5, 6, 33, 34, 35, 36
  • Channel 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
  • Channel 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
  • Channel 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
  • Channel 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
  • Channel 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
  • Channel 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51

To replicate TV Stations onto specific channels using the FCC's TVStudy software, please follow the TVStudy instructions.

Note: These steps must be run each time you would like to generate constraints from different TVStudy runs. Given the volume of data, the processing typically takes at least 5–8 hours.

  1. Move stations.csv service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 02-04 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch0204/ folder.

  2. Move service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 05-06 & 33-36 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch05063336/ folder.

  3. Move service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 07-13 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch0713/ folder.

  4. Move service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 14-20 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch1420/ folder.

  5. Move service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 21-26 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch2126/ folder.

  6. Move service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 27-32 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch2732/ folder.

  7. Move service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 38-33 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch3844/ folder.

  8. Move service.csv and interference.csv from the Channel 45-51 TVStudy run to the ./tvstudyprocessing/ch4551/ folder.

Process the TVStudy Output Data

Note: It is very important to move the TVStudy output .csv files to the correct ./tvstudyprocessing/ subfolders. All code references the locations in those subfolders.

  1. Using the terminal, connect to the db_ia database as user db_ia_owner using the psql command line tool (enter the configured password if prompted)
psql -d db_ia -U db_ia_owner -h localhost
  1. Change the working directory to the base of the Constraint-Generator directory (e.g., /Users/FCC/Documents/Constraint-Generator/)
\cd /Users/FCC/Documents/Constraint-Generator/
  1. Run the SQL code that conducts the initial processing of data to determine the baseline interference-free population of each station
\i 'scripts/initial.sql'
  1. Once the previous step is complete, run the SQL code to process the Channel 02-04 data
\i 'scripts/ch0204.sql'
  1. Next, run the SQL code to process the Channel 05-06, 33-36 data
\i 'scripts/ch05063336.sql'
  1. Next, run the SQL code to process the Channel 07-13 data
\i 'scripts/ch0713.sql'
  1. Next, run the SQL code to process the Channel 14-20 data
\i 'scripts/ch1420.sql'
  1. Next, run the SQL code to process the Channel 21-26 data
\i 'scripts/ch2126.sql'
  1. Next, run the SQL code to process the Channel 27-32 data
\i 'scripts/ch2732.sql'
  1. Next, run the SQL code to process the Channel 38-44 data
\i 'scripts/ch3844.sql'
  1. Next, run the SQL code to process the Channel 45-51 data
\i 'scripts/ch4551.sql'
  1. Finally, run the SQL code that conducts the final processing to merge all intermediate pairwise interference tables into a single table
\i 'scripts/final.sql'
  • It is possible to parallel process Steps 3-12 by opening multiple psql console connections (assuming you have adequate computing resources)

  • The SQL code is written in such a way that each piece of code is committed during execution (rather than doing a single commit into the database at the completion of the script).

  • The code is written in such a way that if you run Steps 3-12 a second time, it will delete the previous tables.

  • If processing of a particular script is interrupted or fails, it is safe to simply re-run the .sql script that failed (this will not cause any issues with previously completed .sql scripts)

  • If you wish to keep previous runs of TVStudy output please make to export a CSV of the previous result or rename the table, for example by running this command in psql:

    ALTER TABLE ia.tvsoftware_pairwise_result_final RENAME TO tvsoftware_pairwise_result_final_oct2014

Constraint Generation


There is 1 model available:

  • CS_RepackUSFixedCAFixedMX_Option2

Edit the parameters as necessary in the file located in the profiles subfolder.

Configurable Parameters:

  • MODEL parameters

    • database_name - name of the database (default: db_ia)
    • database_user_name - database account username (default: db_ia_owner)
    • database_password - database account password (default: changeme)
    • database_ip_address - IP address of the database (default: localhost)
    • database_port - database port number (default: 5432 or 5433 on Mac OS X)
    • nationwide_acceptable_interference_pct - acceptable threshold of interference in terms of the interference free population of a TV station. This threshold defines whether any pair of stations can be co-channel or adjacent-channel (adj+1/adj-1) (default: 0.5 percent)
  • DB_TABLE parameters

    • tv_stations_tablename - name of the table that stores US, Canada, and Mexico station information (default: tvsoftware_stations)
    • lm_station_tablename - name of the table that stores US Land Mobile (LM) station information (default: ia_lm_master)
    • lmw_station_tablename - name of the table that stores Land Mobile Waiver (LMW) station information (default: ia_lwm_master)
    • lm_lmw_interference_tablename - name of the table that stores pairwise interference truth table for protecting Land Mobile (LM) and Land Mobile Waiver (LMW) stations (default: ia_lm_lmw_interference_table)
    • mx_interference_tablename - name of the table that stores pairwise interference truth table for protecting Mexican stations (default: ia_mx_interference_table)
    • tvstudy_interference_tablename - name of the table that stores pairwise interference population percentages to protect repacking stations from having additional interference above the threshold defined in the nationwide_acceptable_interference_pct parameter (default: tvsoftware_pairwise_result_final)

Constraint Generator Usage

Open the terminal and change directory to the Constraint-Generator base folder (e.g., /Users/FCC/Documents/Constraint-Generator/)

cd /Users/FCC/Documents/Constraint-Generator

Run the following command:

sh constraintgen.sh CS_RepackUSFixedCAFixedMX_Option2