Goal: Low power cluster capable of serving 24+ streams of 4KHDR60 source transcodes while consuming no more than 100W at peak and idling at less than 10W
- bedrinDeutsche Bank
- brettdellandre
- Codeman20400
- cviumCopenhagen, Denmark
- darthShadowLavelle Networks
- dicksondicksonDICKSON
- dw5
- Fire-
- HerrSchnell@CartWebApp
- holonsphere
- IravSydney
- jmmanosScottsdale, AZ, USA
- natewalckLancaster, PA
- PaulQihan
- pixelcmtd@chrissxMedia
- pmwoodward3
- robinjooris
- shuxiao9058
- sunpengfei0307
- trial123Zel
- tssgeFreelancer @net9-oy
- vgarleanu@Dusk-Labs
- volfcoSeattle, WA
- ZloyDyadkaMTS DIGITAL (UGC Video Platform)
- znmebPortland, Oregon, USA