
Fastapi for the backend, npm based front end, runs in docker and can be fired up immediately in Render.com or DigitalOcean

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




This is to be a fastapi app. Use this template: https://github.com/zackees/template-docker-fastapi-site

The app will have the following endpoints:

  • POST /api/youtube/channel
    • Header: Auth token (just make up a sufficiently large random token)
    • body: the channel id
    • returns: a json response
      • ok: { ok: True, rank: float, err: None }
      • not found: { ok: Fale, rank: None, err: "Not Found" }
  • POST /api/youtube/video
    • Header: Autho token
    • body: the video id (for example ?watch=XXXX where XXXX is the video id)
    • returns: a json response
      • ok: { ok: True, rank: float, channel_id: str, err: None }
      • not found: { ok: False, rank: None, channel_id: None, err: "Not Found" }

Endpoint management:

  • All endpoints will input pydantic objects, and return pydantic objects.
    • Pydantic models convert to json for input and outputs, and are type checked
    • They will also become part of the openapi that's automatically generated for the fastapi site


  • Use the postgres database in render.com

  • Use the sqlaclchemy ORM to model and access the postgres

  • Models.py will model the postgres database

  • db.py will use models.py to query, and return data as a pydantic object that will be returned

  • It's important to note that the api endpoints should be as simple as possible, with db.py doing most of the work.

Background worker

  • A background worker will periodically scrape youtube and collect data on all videos to target channels. We will use yt-dlp for this task.
  • But don't worry too much about how this is scheduled.

First deliverables

  • Generate all the boilerplate listed in this document and then contact me for next steps.