Content manager

📩 How to submit

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Upload your blog post and relative images through the github markdown format /articles/
  3. If you're a new author, upload also your image and description under /team/
  4. Pull request of the desired changes
  5. One of our team members will review the article and he/she may accept your post or eventually propose you some little adjustments.

🛠 Proposed repository structure

  • articles/[Article-Folder] (without spaces, used as slug)

    • .md file containing the article
    • any other assets referenced by the article must be located directly into the [Article-Folder], next to the markdown file
  • team/[Name-Surname] (without spaces, used as slug)

    • propic.jpg

The profile picture needs to have squared dimensions (e.g. 1024x1024).

⌨️ Article meta

meta: brief description of the blogpost 
date: leave it empty
target: Newbie | Midway | Expert 
topics: [Deep Learning, ...] List separated by commas 
cover: filename of the cover image, located next to the markdown file 
title:  title
language: English | Italian
author: Name must exist

This piece of code has to be placed at the beginning of the page. See an example here.

🙋🏼‍♀️ 🙆🏽‍♂️ Team member meta

name: name and surname
team: [...] # this is an array -> the options are [Writers, Tech, Marketing]
title: job title  
description: brief description about yourself

This piece of code has to be placed at the beginning of the page. See an example here.

You can be part of the Writers team only if you already published an article. Tech team members actively work on the IT infrastructure and maintainance of this platform whereas Marketing members actively work on the graphics and marketing strategies of our social media accounts.

🤔 Any question?

Raise an issue or contact us through our platforms!

To do:

  • Update repo name? (and issue's link)
  • Add template commit?
  • Briefly explain the "goal" of this repo and add the link of our website and social account (when they'll be ready)
  • Specify who belong to "Tech", "Marketing" and "Writers" team