Minecraft OAuth2

This is a small php project to provide a standardized OAuth2 gateway for authenticating with a minecraft (microsoft) account.

Authorization Endpoint: /

Token Endpoint: /api/token

Minecraft Profile Endpoint: /api/minecraftprofile

Using mc-oauth2.myfdwev.de

In order to authorize users over the public MC OAuth2 Instance(mc-oauth2.myfdweb.de) you need to have your app registered as a service on https://mc-oauth2.myfdweb.de/admin.php (Requires MyFDWeb IDM account). Everything else is just standard OAuth2 procedure.

Self Hosting

For self hosting you need an Azure Active Directory Application. Put the credentials into config.php (see config.sample.php).

Also you might need the classes HTTP and Database. These are part of the myfdweb default library and are therefore not included in this project. Feel free to contact me if you dont feel like implementing those yourself.