A factory to help you deal with infinite loading.
module.controller('myController', ['dataSource',function(dataSource){
var model = this;
model.dataSource = dataSource(loadItems);
function loadItems(token){
// token = a token returned from your service call that can be used to determinate next `page`.
// If it is falsey, this method will not be invoked.
return myService.fetchItems(token);
// should return {items:[], token:'myToken'}
example below uses https://github.com/sroze/ngInfiniteScroll
<div infinite-scroll="model.dataSource.load()" infinite-scroll-container="'.my-container'" infinite-scroll-distance="2">
<my-item ng-repeat="i in model.dataSource.items" item="i"></my-item>
<div class="infinite-scroll-loading-indicator" layout layout-align="center center">
<md-icon md-svg-icon="ripple" ng-if="model.dataSource.loading"></md-icon>
As simple as "bower install ng-data-source" :)