It includes extention accounts from EXIOBASE v.3.3.15 coverted tab-delimited files:
- Resource extraction per economic activity (RE_ACT)
- Resource extraction per final demand category (RE_FD)
- Waste supply per economic activity (WS_ACT)
- Waste supply per final demand category (WS_FD)
- Stock additions per economic activity (SA_ACT)
- Stock additions per final demand category (SA_FD)
- Waste use per economic activity (WU_ACT)
- Stock depletion per final demand category (SD)
- Emissions per economic activity (EM_ACT)
- Emissions per final demand category (EM_FD)
- Population per country (POP)
- GDP-PPP per capita, per country (GDP_CAP_PPP)
Note: Intermediate demand matrix (HIOT) is not included in this folder. For running, HIOT should be downloaded from EXIOBASE website (, and following the import procedure in procedure.docx
Phyton script returns the results of:
- Global circularity gap per material category (data_glo)
- Circularity gap per country (data_cou)
- Circularity gap per aggregated region (data_reg)
Phyton script returns Sankey diagram using floweaver software
Note: SankeyWidget performs on Jupyter Notebook
Excel file with results from
It includes the circularity gap analysis and figures based on results.xlsb source data
It includes from EXIOBASE v.3.3.15:
- List of income groups per counrty based on World Bank Atlas method (
- Resource extraction classification
- Emission classification
- Waste/stock additions classification
- List of all economic sectors in EXIOBASE
- List of economic activities related to waste recovery in EXIOBASE
Excel file coverts datasets from World Bank Statistics to EXIOBASE classification
Word file contains:
- Procedure to import EXIOBASE v3.3.15, use of '', '', 'results.xls' and 'analysis.xls'
- A comparison between data from EXIOBASE v3.3.15 and other sources of material flow accounts