
A curated list of free/libre plugins, scripts and add-ons for Godot


Awesome Godot Awesome

A curated list of free/libre games, plugins, add-ons and scripts for Godot.

For installation instructions, read INSTALL.md.


Games that use Godot.


  • BlockPop - A simple Breakout clone.
  • Bombs - Simple mobile game. You need to touch bombs to diffuse them.
  • DynaDungeons - Bomberman clone in a fantasy universe.
  • Kraken-Rampage - Ludum Dare 33 entry made in 48 hours.
  • Libre Pinball - A pinball game.
  • Minilens - Free puzzle platform game.
  • Ninja-Training - Small running game done as 1 hour challenge.
  • No hope - Ludum Dare 33 entry made in 48 hours.
  • Ringed - Top-down shooter with extensive usage of light effects.
  • Tanks of Freedom - Free turn-based isometric strategy game.


Nothing for now.


Demos to learn GDScript, its concepts, and various game features.


Themes for your Godot games or user interface.


Stuff integrated into Godot core (C++).

Plugins and scripts

Scripts that let you do new stuff, or enhance Godot functionality.

GDScript syntax highlighting

Add-ons for text editors that add syntax highlighting to GDscript.


Other stuff.

  • godot.sh - Script that automatically downloads and launches latest version of Godot, or compiles and launches git master branch.
  • godot-wrapper - Script that helps Debian and Ubuntu users install and use Godot.
  • replicate-file.sh - Script to update copies of a file with one master file.
  • strip-to-frames.pl - Perl script to split a grid spritesheet image into numbered individual frame files.
  • update-git.sh - Updates all Git repositories contained in a directory.