A wrapper for the Google Charts library written in Angular.
Pinned issues
- 8
Angular version support
#312 opened by FERNman - 6
Memory leak
#304 opened by SergiyCh - 0
Tooltip is not triggered on hovering labels
#246 opened by shwethav92 - 3
Locale Support
#295 opened by cheesgno - 3
dynamicResize for chart-wrapper
#244 opened by Serg-Mois - 1
Is Trendlines supported ?
#269 opened by BreazTim - 1
CalendarHeatmap doesn't support dynamicResize
#299 opened by seiler-emerson - 0
Chart type link not correct on ReadMe
#320 opened by mario-neb - 4
Expand Row interface definition
#297 opened by oobayly - 2
- 2
Waterfall chart is not working.
#267 opened by prasadsheetal - 4
Title not working in Gantt Chart.
#266 opened by prasadsheetal - 1
- 0
VisualizationSelectionArray is gone from latest types definition from google
#242 opened by dolphinsd - 2
DataTable from Google spreadsheet URL
#243 opened by pliski - 2
- 1
Is there a way to get an Angular component property from within the Google Charts generateTooltip callback?
#258 opened by nstuyvesant - 3
NullInjectorError: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[GoogleChartComponent -> DataTableService
#247 opened by EduardoCLlamas - 2
Uncaught TypeError : _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.ɵɵdefineInjectable
#251 opened by dhruvlatitude - 2
GeoChart while in Lazy Loading
#255 opened by vitmfs - 2
Angular 18 support
#309 opened by grzel4000 - 9
Angular 16 support
#300 opened by rr-hornback - 5
Update peerDependencies for Angular 15
#292 opened by timfogarty1549 - 1
Publish an Ivy Distribution
#257 opened by lacroixdavid1 - 1
- 2
Angular v8. Compilation fails when importing the module. Error states: 'Please add a @NgModule annotation'
#283 opened by PicchiSeba - 2
how to clear table in the latest api?
#281 opened by xkx9431 - 1
- 9
New version 2.2.3 is not compatible with the current stable version of Angular (v13.2.0)
#282 opened by situlindia - 1
Use Types interfaces in project
#286 opened by avocadosarelife - 1
Unable to install angular-google-charts in project
#284 opened by mca-binita - 1
The target entry-point "angular-google-charts" has missing dependencies: - @angular/core
#290 opened by Xstream007 - 1
- 2
Angular google chart Version 2.2.2 Is not working on my existing Angular 9 Application
#285 opened by naveenroy001 - 1
I don't get any error but I don't see anything
#298 opened by kintela - 1
Editing Charts (README.md)
#272 opened by FXLima - 3
This library is unmaintained
#305 opened by krabouilleur - 5
in lib/types/chart-type.ts, ChartType.WordTree should be 'WordTree' not 'wordtree'
#248 opened by kussmaul - 1
broaden type Row in chart-base.component.ts
#302 opened by kussmaul - 0
Customize tooltip
#301 opened by ErnestoCamilo - 0
`{role: style}` not work in ganttchart setting
#274 opened by xkx9431 - 3
- 5
- 7
Library is not working with Angular v14
#275 opened - 2
Push latest version to npmjs.com
#280 opened by IgorWolbers - 1
- 0
Styling column geochart
#262 opened by Luca-Zanella - 0
- 1
- 1