
SageMath implementation of the Isogeny-Based PKE FESTA

Primary LanguagePython


A proof of concept implementation of the isogeny-based PKE FESTA1, accompanying the research paper FESTA: Fast Encryption from Supersingular Torsion Attacks by Andrea Basso, Luciano Maino and Giacomo Pope.


The class FESTA implements the PKE and has three main functions:

  • FESTA.keygen(): generate a keypair for a user
  • FESTA.encrypt(pk, m): given a user's public key pk encrypt a message m.
  • FESTA.decrypt(c): given a ciphertext recover the message m

Note a user's keypair is stored within the FESTA object when the keygen() method is called, so sk does not need to be passed as a parameter to decrypt(c).

Example Usage

from festa import FESTA
from parameters import festa_params_128

# Initialisation 
alice = FESTA(festa_params_128)
bob   = FESTA(festa_params_128)

# Keygen

# Encryption
pk = alice.export_public_key()
m = randint(0, 2**128 - 1)
c = bob.encrypt(pk, m)

# Decryption
assert alice.decrypt(c) == m

SageMath version: This code was developed and tested using SageMath version 9.8, the most recent stable version (at the time of writing).

Requirements: for the OAEP transform, we use SHAKE imported from pycryptodome to extract random bytes. This can be installed using:

sage -pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Overview

FESTA has been implemented as a class in the file festa.py. This file contains the full implementation of the FESTA trapdoor evaluation and inversion, as well as the functions for the OAEP transform to build the PKE and functions to compress and decompress both the public key and ciphertext. An effort has been made to keep the comments and doc-strings verbose. The FESTA parameters for all security levels, including small toy parameters for testing, are defined in parameters/params.py. The file parameters/parameter_generator.sage has the code which we used for searching for optimal parameters targeting all security levels.

For the remainder of this section, we break down the auxiliary files which contain helper functions for various steps of the FESTA protocol.

The file utilities/supersingular.py contains functions to compute points of a given order $D$ and the generation of canonical torsion bases $E[D] = \langle P, Q \rangle$. We include the optimised entangled_torsion_basis() following https://ia.cr/2017/1143 for computing the torsion basis of $E[2^b]$. Additionally, this file contains compute_canonical_kernel() as described in algorithm six of the FESTA paper.

The file utilities/compression.py contains helper functions for the main compression and decompression algorithms of FESTA, such as the compression of a curve to a single field element and the compression of a point $P \in E[2^b]$ to a bytestring representing three integers $(a,b,c)$ in $\mathbb{Z}/2^b\mathbb{Z}$. We need only three integers as our scaling matricies are unitary and compatibility of the Weil pairing with isogenies means we can always efficiently recover the fourth. This is handled by the function recover_lost_scalar().

Our isogenies between elliptic curves are implemented using x-only formula. In montgomery_isogenies/kummer_line.py we define classes for the Kummer line of Montgomery curves (KummerLine) and points on the Kummer line (KummerPoint). Essentially, these are a standard implementation of x-only Montgomery curves with projective $(X : Z)$ coordinates. We additionally implement x-only isogenies between these Kummer lines in montgomery_isogenies/kummer_isogeny.py using the Costello-Hisil-Renes formula for small prime degree isogenies and the VéluSqrt formula for the large prime degree isogenies. The main class KummerLineIsogeny accepts a kernel generator of composite order and handles factorisation of the isogeny into prime-degree parts.

In several places in the FESTA implementation, we cannot work with x-only formula as we need the affine coordinates for addition of various points and the computation of the isogeny between elliptic products. As such, the use of x-only formula for the isogenies requires that it's possible to lift the images from the Kummer line back to the curve. The file montgomery_isogenies/isogenies_x_only.py contains helper functions which do exactly this. They take as input Montgomery curves and torsion bases, maps everything to the Kummer line, computes and evaluates isogenies and finally lifts everything to the image curve.

There are two files which are used to implement the $(2^b,2^b)$ isogeny between elliptic products. In richelot_isogenies/divisor_arithmetic.py, we implement efficient addition and doubling laws for divisors of Jacobians of genus two hyperelliptic curves. These have been derived by generalising a result of Costello and Lauter to recover algorithms which only require base field operations, avoiding the need for slower arithmetic in the polynomial ring. The $(2^b,2^b)$ isogeny itself is implemented in richelot_isogenies/richelot_isogenies.py and has been adapted from the previous work on implementing both the Castryck-Decru and MMPPW SIDH attacks.

Finally, the utilities directory contains a little of everything else. This includes functions to help with the scaling matrices, solving discrete logarithms using Weil/Tate pairings, computing whether an element has order exactly $D$ and a function to compute optimal strategies based off the SIDH sparse isogeny chains. We additionally include some small optimised formula for computing the square root in $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$ using that $p \equiv 3 \pmod 4$. We also implement a function which computes $f^{-1} \pmod g$ where $f,g$ are univariate polynomials in $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}[X]$ and $g$ is of degree two or four. Our implementation solves this using linear algebra rather than xgcd and is about 2-3x faster than the generic implementation of SageMath.

Command Line FESTA

If you want to play around with FESTA and compare run-times, you can use the file example_festa.sage with the following arguments:

sage example_festa.sage [--128, --192, --256, --toy, --circulant]
  • By default, the 128-bit security parameters are selected. To access other parameters:
    • The flag --192 selects the parameters aiming for 192-bit security
    • The flag --256 selects the parameters aiming for 256-bit security
    • The flag --toy selects small toy parameters suitable for debugging
  • By default, the masking matrices are diagonal, unitary, invertible matrices.
    • The flag --circulant selected the matrices to be circulant, unitary, invertible matrices instead.

Example Output

User: % sage example_festa.sage
                               Running FESTA_128                                
                           Keygen took: 4.485 seconds
                        Compressed public key: 561 bytes
                          Encrypt took: 3.088 seconds
                       Compressed ciphertext: 1122 bytes
                          Decrypt took: 9.275 seconds

Note: the above output was generated using a single performance core of an Apple M1 PRO CPU, clocked at 3.2 GH.


  1. party in Italian 🇮🇹 🎉