
First git in my step into this world


First git in my step into this world

What I am going to do in here:

So my idea of git became by the evolution of cinema & VFX: VR

By this idea, and some other technologies I saw that I could relate, became to my mind to develop tech, starting from software and, who knows, probably some day in hardware.

BTW I love to design, so start developing my own tech (even for/with communities) sounds freaking amazing.

And what about you and your "coolness"?

Well, I talk thick to my proper chicks just to feel cool nowadays.

No, but seriusly. Alocoifindo? Where comes that name from?

Hey, chill, I don't have all responses. Is a name that came to my mind I don't know when. Is true that –A lo loco y sin fin, Tho'– (tech talk), so if you were talking about coolness, mine it's too personal.

Nice to meet you

Nice to... write you.