
[FEATURE REQUEST] be able to turn on/off recording depending on gamemode

Closed this issue · 11 comments

URF is live and I think I'm not the only one who is playing a lot of urf games haha. I mainly use this program for recording gameplay to review of my ranked games though, and its quite cumbersome to delete all urf replays manually.

It would be nice if we could simply turn on/off storage of recordings depending on the gamemode we're playing.

I currently take most of the game information from the post game stats API.
This means I don't know until the game ends what type of gamemode is being played.

So this feature requires me to make some bigger changes to how I collect the data, but I'll keep it in mind.

I think the implementation could be as simple as just getting info from postgame and then checking if the gamemode is a match that u want to record, and then deleting the recording if it isnt.

Its obviously not an ideal solution but I would rather have it over nothing and I'd imgine its very easy to implement. recording overhead is very minimal anyway

Alright than I'll have to figure out #17 first.
Once I have that this should be doable.

What do you want the settings to look like?
A new entry in the settings.json text file?

Its your project! You decide! a new entry in settings.json is what I would go for aswell, and it would work nicely with my plugin. I think re-using checkboxes for objectives could be used, but it could also simply be like an array kinda notation in the settings text file

Ok, I figured out how to properly get the queueId of the current game.
The thing is there are a lot of different queueIds: https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/v1/queues.json.
I don't think adding a seperate toggle for each of these is a good way to solve this.

How does your use-case look like / how would you group these?
My first thought was adding a setting that says "only record Ranked games".
Or do you want more finegrained control over what gets recorded?

i'd love "only record ranked", not much point in reviewing normals etc

finegrained would be nice, but "only record ranked" does suffice.

Alright, I just released pre-release v1.18.0.
It includes an option to only record ranked games in the settings.json and also addresses #17.

Because I had to make some big changes to get this working the new version doesn't read the old recording metadata files - so no events, stats, win/loss, ... for everything recorded with the old versions of the app.
@ceselder this means you will probably have to update your Obsidian plugin.

Please check it out and tell me if it works as expected :)

I just released v1.18.1 which 'officially' implements Feature requests #17 and #18.
The new release also includes a fix for a bug from PRE-RELEASE 1.18.0 where sometimes games would not be recorded (again :sigh:)

I just released v1.18.1 which 'officially' implements Feature requests #17 and #18. The new release also includes a fix for a bug from PRE-RELEASE 1.18.0 where sometimes games would not be recorded (again :sigh:)

I'm still getting occasional moments where games are not recorded.

if it happens again could you post the logs of it happening. Thanks!
(logs are in C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/fx.LeagueRecord/logs)