
Simple c# App to test supported ssl/tls version

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Simple c# App to test supported ssl/tls version

For example if you want to check the supported versions of google

myoddweb.ssltest.exe --host google.com --port 443

myoddweb.ssltest Sample

SslTester Class

The SslTester class is where the test is done

SslTester(Uri uri) the constructor, pass the uri being tested.

Then you can test for whatever protocol you want to double check.

  public enum SslProtocols
    None = 0,
    Ssl2 = 12, // 0x0000000C
    Ssl3 = 48, // 0x00000030
    Tls = 192, // 0x000000C0
    Tls11 = 768, // 0x00000300
    Tls12 = 3072, // 0x00000C00
    Tls13 = 12288, // 0x00003000
    Default = Tls | Ssl3, // 0x000000F0

See the .NET code for more details

Note about the machine doing the query

If your machine does not support Tls1.3 then the test will show "Tls13 is not supported" and this is true because your machine cannot connect to it.