
FS Agile&DevOps Dashboard Web client based on angular-seed

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


FS Agile&DevOps Dashboard Web client based on angular-seed and use angular-material as UI componet. What we have is based on angular-seed. You can find the whole introduce on angular-seed(https://github.com/mgechev/angular-seed).

  • Allows you to painlessly update the seed tasks of your already existing project.
  • Supports multiple Angular applications with shared codebase in a single instance of the seed.
  • Official Angular i18n support.
  • Ready to go, statically typed build system using gulp for working with TypeScript.
  • Production and development builds.
  • Ahead-of-Time compilation support.
  • Sample unit tests with Jasmine and Karma including code coverage via istanbul.
  • End-to-end tests with Protractor.
  • Development server with Livereload.
  • Following the best practices.
  • Manager of your type definitions using @types.
  • Has autoprefixer and css-lint support.
  • Provides full Docker support for both development and production environment

How to start

Note that this seed project requires node v4.x.x or higher and npm 2.14.7 but in order to be able to take advantage of the complete functionality we strongly recommend node >=v6.5.0 and npm >=3.10.3.

Here is how to speed-up the build on Windows.

In order to start the seed use:

$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/mgechev/angular-seed.git
$ cd angular-seed

# install the project's dependencies
$ npm install
# fast install (via Yarn, https://yarnpkg.com)
$ yarn install  # or yarn

# watches your files and uses livereload by default
$ npm start
# api document for the app
# npm run build.docs

# generate api documentation
$ npm run compodoc
$ npm run serve.compodoc

# to start deving with livereload site and coverage as well as continuous testing
$ npm run start.deving

# dev build
$ npm run build.dev
# prod build, will output the production application in `dist/prod`
# the produced code can be deployed (rsynced) to a remote server
$ npm run build.prod

# dev build of multiple applications (by default the value of --app is "app")
$ npm start -- --app baz
$ npm start -- --app foo
$ npm start -- --app bar

Does not rely on any global dependencies.

How to start with AoT compilation

Note that AoT compilation requires node v6.5.0 or higher and npm 3.10.3 or higher.

In order to start the seed with AoT use:

# prod build with AoT compilation, will output the production application in `dist/prod`
# the produced code can be deployed (rsynced) to a remote server
$ npm run build.prod.aot

# Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [How to start](#how-to-start)
- [How to start with Aot](#how-to-start-with-aot-compilation)
- [Dockerization](#dockerization)
  + [How to build and start the dockerized version of the application](#how-to-build-and-start-the-dockerized-version-of-the-application)
  + [Development build and deployment](#development-build-and-deployment)
  + [Production build and deployment](#production-build-and-deployment)
- [Table of Content](#table-of-content)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Environment Configuration](#environment-configuration)
- [Tools documentation](#tools-documentation)
- [How to extend?](#how-to-extend)
- [Running tests](#running-tests)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Advanced Seed Option](#advanced-seed-option)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Directory Structure](#directory-structure)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
  - [Wiki Contributors](#wiki-contributors)
- [Change Log](#change-log)
- [License](#license)

# Configuration

Default application server configuration

var PORT             = 5555;
var LIVE_RELOAD_PORT = 4002;
var DOCS_PORT        = 4003;
var APP_BASE         = '/';

Configure at runtime

$ npm start -- --port 8080 --reload-port 4000 --base /my-app/

Environment configuration

If you have different environments and you need to configure them to use different end points, settings, etc. you can use the files dev.ts or prod.ts in./tools/env/. The name of the file is environment you want to use.

The environment can be specified by using:

$ npm start -- --env-config ENV_NAME

Currently the ENV_NAMEs are dev, prod, staging, but you can simply add a different file "ENV_NAME.ts". file in order to alter extra such environments.

Tools documentation

A documentation of the provided tools can be found in tools/README.md.

Running tests

$ npm test

# Development. Your app will be watched by karma
# on each change all your specs will be executed.
$ npm run test.watch
# NB: The command above might fail with a "EMFILE: too many open files" error.
# Some OS have a small limit of opened file descriptors (256) by default
# and will result in the EMFILE error.
# You can raise the maximum of file descriptors by running the command below:
$ ulimit -n 10480

# code coverage (istanbul)
# auto-generated at the end of `npm test`
# view coverage report:
$ npm run serve.coverage

# e2e (aka. end-to-end, integration) - In three different shell windows
# Make sure you don't have a global instance of Protractor
# Make sure you do have Java in your PATH (required for webdriver)

# npm install webdriver-manager <- Install this first for e2e testing
# npm run webdriver-update <- You will need to run this the first time
$ npm run webdriver-start
$ npm run serve.e2e
$ npm run e2e

# e2e live mode - Protractor interactive mode
# Instead of last command above, you can use:
$ npm run e2e.live

You can learn more about Protractor Interactive Mode here

Advanced Option

An advanced option to this seed exists here which mirrors the latest changes here but adds core support for:

You may use it to learn how to extend this seed for your own use cases or use the advanced seed if your project needs those features.
