
A dazzling web experience! Explore pi with dynamic randomness, vibrant visuals, and interactive chaos. Clone, contribute, and let the carnival of numbers begin! 🚀✨

Primary LanguageCSS

🚀 Monte Carlo Pi Carnival 🎡🥧

Monte Carlo Pi

🌟 Spectacular Pi Extravaganza!

Welcome to the Monte Carlo Pi Carnival – where numbers dance, circles twirl, and chaos becomes art! Step right up to the most thrilling web application that doesn't just calculate pi; it turns math into a dazzling spectacle.

🎉 Mesmerizing Features

  • Random Point Fireworks: Experience a burst of color as the website showers you with randomly placed points in a kaleidoscope of hues.
  • Pi Pizzazz: Witness the magic as these points form a symphony of approximation, revealing the mystical value of pi with every beat.
  • Visual Symphony: Immerse yourself in a visual extravaganza, where points and circles come alive in a breathtaking display of randomness.

🎪 Join the Circus of Contributors!

The carnival is open to all daredevils! Contribute your acts, add sparkle to the show, and be part of the grand spectacle by forking and sending a pull request.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.

⚠️ Carnival Disclaimer

Hold onto your hats! This carnival is not for the faint-hearted. While the pi value may not be as constant as gravity, the journey is a thrilling adventure.

Step right up and embrace the chaos – welcome to the Monte Carlo Pi Carnival! 🚀✨