A repository to training the Test Oriented C
É necessario GCC (compilador)
É necessario Make (diretriz do compilador)
É necessario Unity (framework) https://github.com/ThrowTheSwitch/Unity (Apenas a pasta src)
To enable testing, you need to export the library via #include
#include "Directory/Unity/unity.h"
#include "Directory/Test function"
void setUp(){};
void tearDown(){};
void test_funcition(){
int main(void){
return UNITY_END();
void setUp(): It's run before all tests, containing specific settings.
void tearDown(): It's run after the tests.
void test_function(): It's the test itself.
If used in the test function:
TEST_IGNORE() : Skips the next test.
TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE<Test/Error message>: Shows a message if you fail the test.
UNITY_BEGIN: Starts the unity test library.
RUN_TEST (test_function): Runs the test present in the test_funcion.
UNITY_END: Ends testing.
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL <Expected output/Function value to be read> : Does the return test of the chosen function and passes or fails the test.
TEST_ASSERT_FLOAT_WITHIN <Accuracy range/Expected value/Value returned> : Tests with numbers.
TEST_ASSERT_FALSE<Number or String to compare if it's false> : Take the test and check if it's fake. Ex: 1==2.
TEST_ASSERT<Number or String to compare if it's true> : Take the test and make sure it's true. Ex: 1==1.
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING<Expected String/String Obtained> : Passes if both strings were equal.
~$: gcc programTest.c. Directory/Unity/unity.c -o theResult.x
Multi testes
Cada chamada RUN_TEST irá chamar um teste especifico
Utilizando MakeFiles