
AMQP-tool - Import & export data from/to an AMQP/RabbitMQ broker

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AMQP-tool is a cli for importing and/or exporting message from/to an AMQP/RabbitMQ broker.


$ npm install amqp-tool -g

Usage overview

Usage: node ./bin/amqp-tool [options] [-import | -export]

  --host          host                                                                         [default: "localhost"]
  --user, -u      username                                                                     [default: "guest"]
  --password, -p  password                                                                     [default: "guest"]
  --port          port                                                                         [default: 5672]
  --vhost         vhost                                                                        [default: "/"]
  --queue, -q     queue's name to work with                                                    [required]
  --passive       set it to true if the queue already exist                                    [boolean]  [default: true]
  --durable       if specified the queue will survive a broker restart                         [boolean]
  --autoDelete    if specified the queue will be deleted when there are no more subscriptions  [boolean]
  --onlyBody      if specified export will contain only body of messages                       [boolean]  [default: false]
  --export        export [filename], export queue's content to filename
  --import        import [filename], export file content into the queue
  --count         limit the number of message to export/import
  -v, --verbose   verbose mode                                                                 [default: false]
  -h, --help      produce this help message

Export the first 5000 messages of a queue

into a file ...

amqp-tool --host rabbitmq.local -u user -p azerty -q queuetest --count 5000 --export dump.json

... or to stdout

amqp-tool --host rabbitmq.local -u user -p azerty -q queuetest --count 5000 --export > dump.json

Continuously export a queue into a file

amqp-tool --host rabbitmq.local -u user -p azerty -q queuetest --export > dump.json

Import all messages to a queue

from a file...

amqp-tool --host rabbitmq.local -u user -p azerty -q queuetest --import dump.json

...or from stdin

cat dump.json | amqp-tool --host rabbitmq.local -u user -p azerty -q queuetest --import

Import the first 10 messages of a file into a queue

head -n10 500messages.json | amqp-tool --host rabbitmq.local -u user -p azerty -q queuetest --import

Continuously transfer message between two RabbitMQ Server (just for fun)

amqp-tool --host rabbitmq1.local -u user -p azerty -q queue1 --export | amqp-tool --host rabbitmq2.local -u user -p azerty -q queue2 --import


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