
Website for organizing internal conferences

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Travis PHP
Build Minimum PHP Version

EmakinaFR Aperitips

Symfony 3 project to organise internal conferences.


  • php >= 7.1
  • okta account
  • yarn
  • sass
  • grunt-cli


Everybody is free to contribute to this project. However, before submit a pull request, please read our guidelines to ensure that your commit match our expectations.


Install the project locally

  • Create a www directory within your home directory
mkdir ~/www
  • Go to www and clone the project
cd www && git clone git@github.com:EmakinaFR/aperitips.git
  • Install all dependencies with composer composer install
  • Create a new database and update the parameters.yml with the correct credentials
  • Update the database php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  • Load fixtures php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=src/AppBundle/DataFixtures --append
  • Start the PHP web server by running php bin/console server:start
  • Go to to see the project

Building the frontend

Sass, Yarn & Grunt

This project use Sass. Sass is a Ruby dependency but if you're using a Mac, congratulations, Ruby comes pre-installed. If you're using something else you can check sass install documentation.

  • Install Sass gem install sass
  • Install Yarn by following the instructions here
  • Install Grunt globally yarn global add grunt-cli
  • Run yarn to install all dependencies of the project
  • Run grunt compress to build the assets

Available tasks

Task Description
watch Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change.
sasslint Validate your Sass and generate a log file in web/sources/log.
sass Compile Sass to CSS.
csscomb Sorting CSS properties in specific order.
autoprefixer Prefix CSS files.
cssmin Minify CSS.
imagemin Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images.
concat Concatenate files.
jshint Validate files with JSHint.
uglify Minify files with UglifyJS.
browserSync Keep your browsers in sync
Alias Tasks
default "sass", "csscomb", "autoprefixer", "imagemin","concat", "browserSync", "watch"
dev "sass", "csscomb", "autoprefixer", "imagemin","concat"
check "sasslint", "jshint"
compile "sasslint", "sass", "csscomb", "autoprefixer"
compress "sass", "csscomb", "autoprefixer", "cssmin", "imagemin", "concat", "uglify"


Coding Rules

We are using the Symfony coding standard. Symfony follows the standard defined in the PSR-1, PSR-2 and PSR-4 documents.

To fix your code by following these standards, you can use these commands:

./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --dry-run

By removing the option --dry-run, php-cs-fixer will automatically fix your code


Theme Architecture

The theme is managed in /web and all editable files must be in web/sources.

The rendering files will be generated with the grunt commands, in the /web/assets repository.