
Environment for a Proximis application using Docker.

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Docker for Proximis Build Status

This repository allows the creation of a Docker environment that meets Proximis Omnichannel requirements.


Here are the environment containers:

$ docker-compose ps
proximis_elasticsearch_1   /docker-entrypoint.sh elas ...   Up>9200/tcp,>9300/tcp
proximis_kibana_1          /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/ ...   Up>5601/tcp
proximis_logstash_1        /usr/local/bin/docker-entr ...   Up>5000/tcp, 5044/tcp, 9600/tcp
proximis_maildev_1         bin/maildev --web 80 --smtp 25   Up      25/tcp,>80/tcp
proximis_mysql_1           docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up>3306/tcp
proximis_nginx_1           nginx -g daemon off;             Up      443/tcp,>80/tcp
proximis_php_1             docker-php-entrypoint php-fpm    Up      9000/tcp
proximis_redis_1           docker-entrypoint.sh redis ...   Up>6379/tcp


This process assumes that depending of your OS, Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows or Docker for linux is installed. Otherwise, Docker Toolbox should be installed before proceeding. The path to the local shared folder is ~/www by default.

After the installation, the Proximis application is reachable by using http://proximis.localhost/.

Clone the repository

$ git clone git@github.com:EmakinaFR/docker-proximis.git proximis

It's also possible to download this repository as a ZIP archive.

Define the environment variables

$ cp docker-env.dist docker-env
$ nano docker-env

The only mandatory environment variable is: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.

Start the environment

With Docker for mac/windows/linux

$ docker-compose start

With Docker Toolbox

Create the virtual machine
$ docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox proximis
$ eval "$(docker-machine env proximis)"
Build the environment
$ docker-compose up -d

Update the /etc/hosts file

$ docker-machine ip proximis | sudo sh -c 'echo "$(awk {"print $1"})  proximis.localhost" >> /etc/hosts'

This command add automatically the virtual machine IP address in the /etc/hosts file.

Configuration of the Proximis project

This operation can be achieved through the PHP-FPM container.

$ docker-compose exec php /bin/bash

Once in the container, the official documentation explains all the remaining steps.

Custom configuration

The path to the local shared folder can be changed by editing the docker-compose.yml file.

It's also possible to automatically define Nginx servers, PHP or Redis configuration. When the environment is built:

  • *.conf files located under the nginx/site-available directory are copied to /etc/nginx/conf.d/,
  • *.ini files located under the php directory are copied to /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/.
  • redis.conf file located under the redis directory is copied to /usr/local/etc/redis/.