
Primary LanguageShell

LAMP Docker

This repository provides a simple local environment for web development.


These are the configured containers :

  • web aka the Apache/PHP-FPM (5.6) container, where the application volume is mounted
  • mysql aka the MySQL server container
  • phpmyadmin aka the phpmyadmin container
            Name                         Command              State           Ports          
vmachine_mysql_1         /docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld   Up>3306/tcp
vmachine_phpmyadmin_1    /bin/sh -c phpmyadmin-start    Up>80/tcp 
vmachine_web_1           /apache.sh                     Up>11211/tcp,>80/tcp   


These steps involve that Docker toolbox (Docker Engine, Docker Machine and Docker Compose) is installed. Virtualbox has to be installed too. By default, the configuration is as below :

- ~/vbox/www >> contains your PHP code
- ~/vbox/conf/php.ini >> contains your PHP configuration
- ~/vbox/conf/sites >> contains your vhosts configuration
- ~/vbox/tmp >> can contain your temporary files
- ~/vbox/logs >> can contain your logs files

Clone the repository

$ git clone git@github.com:mcoemakinafr/vmachine.git

If you prefer http clone :

$ git clone https://github.com/mcoemakinafr/vmachine.git

Or you can download the ZIP archive here

Get your own compose file

$ cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
$ nano docker-compose.yml

You can have the match between your virtual hosts ~/vbox/conf/sites and your hosts file.

Define your variables environment

$ cp docker-env.dist docker-env
$ nano docker-env

The mandatory environment variables to change are : MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD.

Define your aliases preferences

$ cp bash_aliases.dist bash_aliases
$ nano bash_aliases

Copy the basic configuration in the right folder

$ cp ~/vmachine/vmachine.conf ~/vbox/conf/sites

The default preferences are :

  • aliases for symfony2
  • friendlier prompt
  • easier connection to mysql

Create the virtual machine

$ docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox vmachine
$ eval "$(docker-machine env vmachine)"

Build the environment

$ cd ~/vmachine
$ docker-compose up -d

Here is some tips :

  • launch.sh is bash script to make start/restart/stop easier. You'll just have to extract it from this folder and update the path to your docker configuration folder. It works as following :
    • $ ./launch.sh start vmachine
      • start|restart|stop : action to do (restart by default)
      • vmachine : name of virtual machine (vmachine by default)
  • bash_aliases also contains an alias to make the connection to a docker container easier : $ godocker. You just have to report this alias in your own ~/.bash_profile. So, to connect to your docker vmachine_web_1 container from anywhere, just run godocker command
  • You can add virtual hosts as much as you want
    • create the .conf file in ~/vbox/conf/sites
    • add yourvhost: in docker-compose.yml with the other web.extra_hosts
    • add yourhost to /etc/hosts
    • run $ ./launch.sh

The package already include a virtual host : vmachine.dev. It aims the root folder ~/vbox/www that will contain all your projects. Just remember to place it in your ~/vbox/conf/sites folder. The connection is made by vmachine.dev: in docker-compose.yml