
cti-AgathaCrystal created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Creative Technologist Interactive

How to

  1. Open the whole folder in VSCode
  2. Open a new Terminal session
  3. Run npm install once
  4. Run npm run bootstrap once
  5. Run npm start whenever you need a development server
  6. The assignments are added as @todo in the beginning of each packages/{area,particles}/index.js file
  7. When done commit and push your results back to GitHub
  8. Describe in the README which problems you've solved
  9. Add images. 👇


  1. Result images need to be located in each packages folder under images
  2. Images should be type PNG
  3. Images should be 500 × 500 Pixels
  4. Each image has to be added to the images.json file in the images folder
  5. NO UPPERCASE names
  6. NO whitespaces in names
  7. NO special characters öäüß?=)(/&%$§"!*'#.;:,
  8. a-z and 0-9 and _- are okay