A simple chatting app built with React Native, Socket.io, ExpressJS and MongoDB. The server app provides APIs for authentication, message sending and receiving. In the client app React-Native-Gifted-Chat is used for the chat interface.
- 13627491210Shanghai
- abdulsamadolaLagos State
- abhins0554Globussoft Technology
- ahmetilgin
- ayoelutiloMarshmallow Studios
- brilley0816BJTU
- cbkapil7
- champ3oyDeadalus
- CooleCoderSavvy Tech
- gourab98Sylhet, Bangladesh
- Halfnhour
- luizuk@obracloud
- M-JuliusIndonesia
- m4lyx
- majirieyowelLagos, Nigeria.
- mfpbbr
- MohammadZarifiyanYaraplus
- mp1prohttp://rastahealth.com
- MustiAlparslanTurkey
- Norbeen
- onursokullu
- rafaelso86Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
- richieReactNew York, NY
- saiflayouniTunisia
- sayyidisalJakarta, Indonesia
- SiphrCodez
- souhailtourjmenUpwork
- sudeeppr1998Inpinite Solutions
- surksharathiSingapore
- the-cross-arthttps://www.linkedin.com/in/imran-nazir-692abb112/
- thelotux
- thisisshivanshpatel@programming_updates
- xsammsLagos
- YoxmoColumbus OH
- yunusemre482Hacettepe University
- yusufsaglam35Mybae