
This tool/prject is import json file class info fetch from De Anza College / Foothill College portal to MongoDB database.

Primary LanguagePython




The purpose of this tool/prject is to store course information which are fetched from De Anza College / Foothill College portal into MongoDB database.


Python v3.6 node v10.16.0 npm v6.9.0 or above


Suggestion: use virtual environment such as conda, virtualenv...etc

do the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Activate virtual environment if you have one. Usually the command is activate virtural_name

Development (@todo)

Suggestion: use virtual environment such as conda, virtualenv...etc

do the following:

npm install
pip install -r requirements.txt

We require all contributors to write docstring so the codes are easy to follow for other contributors. One of the software development processes is Test-driven Development(TDD). We highly recommended you write at least one test before code
However, the test is recommended but not required.
The philosophy is you must know exactly the detailed behavior of your code does.

We use pytest to test our code.
We use pydocstring to test our docstring.
We use autopep8 to format our code.
We use pylint as Python linter.

Coding Style

In general, we follow PEP 8 Python coding style and Google Python Style Guide. However, when PEP 8 is in conflict with Google Python Style Guide, PEP 8 should be given precedence.

Some special rules:

  1. max-line-length: 100

Please also write docstring so the codes are easy to follow for other contributors. We follow Google docstring style

Project Structure

├── bin/  
├── docs/  
│   └── docs.md  
├── DBImport/  
│   ├── __init__.py  
│   ├── runner.py  
│   └── DBImport/  
│       ├── __init__.py  
│       ├── helpers.py  
│       └── DBImport.py  
├── data/  
│   └── input.json  
├── scripts/  
│   ├── pre-commit.sh  
│   └── pre-push.sh  
├── tests/  
│   ├── 00_empty_test.py  
│   └── DBImport  
│       ├── helpers_tests.py  
│       └── DBImport_tests.py 
├── .gittattributes
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── pylintrc
├── requirements.txt
├── setup.cfg  
└── README.md  

Git Commit message

In general, we use "Semantic Commit Messages"


  1. https://gist.github.com/joshbuchea/6f47e86d2510bce28f8e7f42ae84c716
  2. https://github.com/joelparkerhenderson/git_commit_message#begin-with-a-short-summary-line

setting.config format

Mongo_User = <db username>  
Mongo_Password = <db password>  
Mongo_DBName = <db name>  
Mongo_Postfix = <db connection string> for example @something.mongodb.net/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority  
Config_File_Name = file_paths.config

file_paths.config example

start_year = 2010  

path = E:\Personal_Workflow\FHDA\DBImport\course_data\  
2010 = 2010_Fall_De_Anza_courseData.json,2010_Fall_Foothill_courseData.json,2010_Summer_De_Anza_courseData.json,2010_Summer_Foothill_courseData.json  
2011 = 2011_Fall_De_Anza_courseData.json,2011_Fall_Foothill_courseData.json,2011_Spring_De_Anza_courseData.json,2011_Spring_Foothill_courseData.json,2011_Summer_De_Anza_courseData.json,2011_Summer_Foothill_courseData.json,2011_Winter_De_Anza_courseData.json,2011_Winter_Foothill_courseData.json  