Database Scheme Changed NEEDED (keep issue open for future reference and edit)

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This issue marks flaws of the current database scheme and how to improve the scheme.
Please comment below for suggestions, and this issue will remain open until after production deployment.

Course table needs a relational reference to department (can simply be a few letters referring to DEPT code so we know which dept this course belongs to)

The current structure makes it hard (or even impossible) to:

  • Retrieve the info about an instructor in a specific department
  • Retrieve the list of courses that an instructor teaches in a specific quarter
  • Retrieve all courses offered in a department (courses that may or may not be offered in the past couple of years)


"quarter": <quarter_name_including_year>
<instructor_A_name>: [list of course crns that instructor A teaches],
<instructor_B_name>: [list of course crns that instructor B teaches], ...


"quarter": <quarter_name_including_year>
<department_A_name>: {
    "instructors": [list of instructors in department A],
    "courses": [list of course crns in department A]
    }, ...

Above instructor/department collection formats are preliminary and are subject to change