This adapter connects Sikris Elements/ePhorte to FINT.
It uses the the following webserives:
Object Model Service V3 En
Document Service V3
Properties | Default | Description |
fint.sikri.endpoint-base-url | ||
fint.file-repository.cache-directory | file-cache | |
fint.file-repository.cache-spec | expireAfterAccess=5m,expireAfterWrite=7m |
See for information on how to configure case defaults.
This adapter supports configuration of the EphorteIdentity
to be used based on the case type.
This is done in two steps:
- Configure accounts to use
- Configure account per case type
Accounts are configured using the following properties:
The <id>
part is a name you can choose freely.
Case types are linked to accounts using the properties of the following form:
This adapter have support for OData filtering of cases. That means it's now possible to
get cases based on a OData filter, not only mappeid
, systemid
and soknadsnummer
The old filter (query param title
) is now deprecated, use $filter=tittel eq 'Tittel'
FYI: The title filter is by nature a contains so you don't need a complete title.
We support saksaar
, sakssekvensnummer
, arkivdel
, administrativenhet
, tilgangskode
, saksmappetype
, mappeid
, systemid
and primary and secundary klassifikasjon
$filter=saksaar eq '2023'
$filter=saksaar eq '2023' and sakssekvensnummer eq '42'
$filter=sakssekvensnummer eq '42'
$filter=arkivdel eq 'Drosje'
$filter=administrativenhet eq '1337'
$filter=tilgangskode eq 'UO'
$filter=saksmappetype eq 'SAK'
$filter=tittel eq 'Drosjeløyvesøknad'
$filter=mappeid eq '2023/12345'
$filter=systemid eq '123456'
$filter=klassifikasjon/primar/ordning eq 'ORG' and klassifikasjon/primar/verdi eq '123456789'
$filter=klassifikasjon/sekundar/ordning eq 'EMNE' and klassifikasjon/sekundar/verdi eq 'N12'
PS! It's not possible to filter on both primary and secondary classification in the same filtered query.
Parts of titles can be shielded or marked.
- To shield content, use @...@
- To mark content, use #..#
- title:
Kompetansemappe - Ola Normann - 01.01.1970
- publicTitle:
Kompetansemappe - @Ola Normann@ - @01.01.1970@
- title:
Kompetansemappe - Ola Normann - 01.01.1970
- publicTitle:
Kompetansemappe - ***** ***** - *****
- title:
Kompetansemappe - Kari Normann - 01.01.1970
- publicTitle:
Kompetansemappe - #Kari Normann# - @01.01.1970@
- title:
Kompetansemappe - Kari Normann - 01.01.1970
- publicTitle:
Kompetansemappe - ##### ####_ - *****