Vivek Bhardwaj
The directory contains two scripts:
- : It's same as the "" that comes with DEXSeq, but with an added option to output featureCounts-readable GTF file.
load_SubreadOutput.R : Provides a function "DEXSeqDataSetFromFeatureCounts", to load the output of featureCounts as a dexSeq dataset (dxd) object.
1) Prepare annotation
Syntax :
python -f <featurecounts.gtf> <input.gtf> <dexseq_counts.gff>
Example :
python -f dm6_ens76_flat.gtf dm6_ens76.gtf dm6_ens76_flat.gff
you will get a file "dm6_ens76_flat.gff" and another "dm6_ens76_flat.gtf" (for featurecounts)
2) Count using Subread (command line)
We use the -f options to count reads overlapping features.
We can use the -O option to count the reads overlapping to multiple exons (similar to DEXSeq_count).
/path/to/subread/bin/featureCounts -f -O -s 2 -p -T 40 \
-F GTF -a dm6_ens76_flat.gtf \
-o dm6_fCount.out Cont_1.bam Cont_2.bam Test_1.bam Test_2.bam
3) load into DEXSeq**
This script requires dplyr, and DEXSeq installed in your R..
In R prepare a sampleData data.frame, which contains sample names used for featurecounts as rownames, plus condition, and other variables you want to use for DEXSeq design matrix.
Example :
samp <- data.frame(row.names = c("cont_1","cont_2","test_1","test_2"),
condition = rep(c("control","trt"),each=2))
dxd.fc <- DEXSeqDataSetFromFeatureCounts("dm6_fCount.out",
flattenedfile = "dm6_ens76_flat.gtf",sampleData = samp)
This will create a dxd object that you can use for DEXSeq analysis.
On a real dataset from drosophila (mapped to dm6). I compared the output from featurecounts (two modes) and DEXSeq_Counts.
In unique mode, fragments overlapping multiple features are not counted, while in multi mode, they are counted.
Number of differentially expressed exons with 10% FDR. The output from featurecounts is highly similar to DEXSeq_Count, when we count the multi-feature overlapping reads (-O option).