
c++ sdk for FISCO-BCOS 3.0

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

English / 中文


bcos-cpp-sdk is a c++ version of SDK implemented by FISCO bcos 3.0, which provides access interface for RPC, amop and contract event subscription basic functions. Users can use it to develop c++ version of blockchain applications.


Code contribution

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The FISCO BCOS community is one of the most active open-source blockchain communities in China. It provides long-term technical support for both institutional and individual developers and users of FISCO BCOS. Thousands of technical enthusiasts from numerous industry sectors have joined this community, studying and using FISCO BCOS platform. If you are also interested, you are most welcome to join us for more support and fun.


All contributions are made under the Apache License, See LICENSE.