
A compiled language that runs on Linux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Screen Shot 2024-02-10 at 9 33 08 AM HAM` (aka proglan)

A 32bit compiled programming language that runs on Linux

What makes it unique / Why use it?

  • "Simple but complex"

    • Automatic operations like dynamic typing, typeless arrays, and automatic re-allocation
    • Optional manual features like typed variables, pointers, and malloc
  • Combines the function-based ideology of C, and classes from Java

    • Revolves around the "format", a perfect mixture of structures and classes
  • Fully compiled language

    • HAM` compiler generates 32-bit x86 assembly, which can then be assembled using the gnu assembler
  • Integration with C functions like printf and scanf

  • Very easy to include your own assembly functions / libraries (see documentation for calling convention)

  • Built in debugger

    • Backtraces to original file and displays what line caused the crash
    • In this case the initializer never attached an instance of price to myCar, resulting in a null-pointer access
    • Screen Shot 2024-04-01 at 11 01 06 AM
  • Speed of C

    • Tested by printing the result of 1000 floating point operations
    • Screen Shot 2024-03-17 at 1 42 33 PM


I am currently developing a new compiler for this language which has a lot more optimizations and works better than this compiler. However, the new compiler is still lacking many features as I just started its development. It can be viewed here

How to run

  • In main.js under the function start, there is a variable called INPUTFILE. Set that to the directory of the file that you want compiled
  • Copy all foldres into a directory (called proglan2 here)
  • In a shell:
    • cd proglan2/compiler
    • node main (must have node.js installed)
    • cd /compiled
    • ./run.sh (must be in linux. For windows users google WSL and for mac use limaVM, which is what I use)
  • In case of a segfault, you can run the debugger
    • cd proglan2/compiler
    • node debugger

Currently working

  • Variables
  • Implicit typing
  • Formats as structs
  • Formats as classes
  • Functions
  • Nested If/elif statements
  • Math
  • Printing
  • While loops
  • Arrays
  • Lists (similar to Java ArrayLists)
  • File access
  • Floating point
  • Pointers
  • Stdio
  • Stack variables
  • Garbage collection
  • Debugger


  • Fix command line args
  • HAM` include (currently only assembly)
  • Multi-dimensional arrays
  • Register as parameter or return in register
  • Forward declaration
  • Static and private properties
  • Much more... (see in main.js)


All of the following code are simple examples that will compile and run. See examples for more complex ones.


Price format
    imported <- f32;
    domestic <- f32;

Car format
    price <- Price;
    company <- p8;

inflation function<Price original, f32 percent> -> u32
    original.domestic <- #f original.domestic * percent + original.domestic;
    original.imported <- #f original.domestic * percent + original.domestic;

    return 0;

entry function<> -> u32
    create myCar <- Car<price:Price<imported:5000,domestic:3000.0f>,company:"kia">;
    myCar.price.domestic <- 1000.0f;
    inflation(myCar.price, 0.1f);


sum function<f32 a, f32 b> -> f32
    return #f a + b;

entry function<> -> u32

if statements

entry function<> -> u32
    if(111 :> 222)
    elif(444 <: 555)
        if(222 :> 444)
        elif(123 <: 456)
    elif(333 == 888)


Square format
    length <- u32;
    color <- p8;

Square initializer<u32 len, p8 col>
    this.length <- len;
    this.color <- col;

Square volume method<u32 height> -> u32
    return # this.length * this.length * height;

Square area method<> -> u32
    return # this.length * this.length;

entry function<> -> u32
    create myRoom <- Square<length:10,color:"blue">;
    create dadsRoom <- Square<20, "red">;
    printf_mini(myRoom.volume(10), "My room cubic feet: %i\n");
    printf_mini(dadsRoom.length, "Dads room square feet: %i\n");


lists required;

create myArr <- {8,9,10};

entry function<> -> u32
    create myList <- inf{1,2,3,4,5,6};
    myList <[new]- 7;
    myList <[new]- 8;

    printf_mini(myList[6], "%i\n");
    printf_mini(myList[7], "%i\n");


create myArr <- {1,2,3,4};

entry function<> -> u32
    put_int(@u32 # myArr + 4);


entry function<> -> u32
    create bob <- 0;
    puts("Write in any number: ");
    scanf_mini($bob, "%i");
    printf_mini(bob, "You typed: %i\n");


First uploaded on Nov 4 with working variables, functions, formats, printing 2023

  • Nov 4 - Added if/elif
  • Nov 5 - Added else and while
  • Nov 6 - Added class initializers
  • Nov 23 - Finally fixed malloc issue, fixed "return" keyword
  • Nov 24 - Added methods
  • Nov 25 - Fixed methods and their locals, indefinitley changed math to be prefixed with "#" 2024
  • Jan 15 - Added arrays
  • Feb 9 - Added fopen, fread, fwrite, and fclose
  • Feb 10 - Added floats and fixed functions taking parameters in wrong order
  • March 8? - Added pointers and dereferencing
  • March 9 - Added lists
  • March 10 - Fixed nested formats
  • March 13 - Fixed format nesting, added stack vars
  • March 15 - Made the transition of params are now stack vars