R package forecastcalibration

This package accompanies the paper `Score-based calibration testing for multivariate forecast distributions’ by Malte Knüppel, Fabian Krüger and Marc-Oliver Pohle, available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.16362.

The package’s main functions are as follows:

  • score_calibration_es computes the quantities $\hat U_{\text{ES}, t}$ and $\hat D_{\text{ES}, t}$ for the test versions based on the Energy Score
  • knueppel_test implements the uniformity test by Knüppel (JBES, 2015) that allows for time dependence under the H0
  • t_hac implements a HAC robust t-test


To install the package from GitHub, please run:

# install.package(remotes)

Note that the package contains C++ code, so that Windows users may need to install the Rtools suite provided by CRAN.


This toy example simulates n IID time periods. The forecast distribution is H0 considered in the simulation study of Section 4 in the paper; the true distribution is given by H1. Note that auto-calibration is violated here, so it is desirable for the tests to reject with a small $p$-value.



# Dimension of data (nr of variables)
d <- 4
# Sample size (nr of time periods)
n <- 500
# Nr of forecast draws (for each of n periods)
J <- 5e3

# forecast covariance matrix (corresponding to H0 in Section 4 of the paper)
sig_fc <- matrix(.5, d, d)
diag(sig_fc) <- 1

# true covariance matrix (H1 in Section 4)
sig_true <- sig_fc*(1.1)^2

# simulate outcomes for n time periods
y <- rmvnorm(n, sigma = sig_true)

# initialize vectors to store calibration stats for each period
u <- d <- rep(NA, n)

# loop over time
for (tt in 1:n){
  # Simulate forecast distribution for current period (J draws)
  x <- rmvnorm(J, sigma = sig_fc)
  # Compute U and D for energy score in current period
  es_tmp <- score_calibration_es(y[tt, ], t(x), exact = FALSE)
  u[tt] <- es_tmp$u
  d[tt] <- es_tmp$d

# Run calibration tests
knueppel_test(u) # PIT-based test (Generalized Box Transform)
## $stat
##          [,1]
## [1,] 44.18174
## $pval
##              [,1]
## [1,] 5.881627e-09
## $nlags_odd
## [1] 2
## $nlags_even
## [1] 3
## $moments
## [1] "1234"
t_hac(d) # Entropy test 
## $t
##          [,1]
## [1,] 6.181885
## $k
## [1] 2
## $pval
##              [,1]
## [1,] 6.334086e-10

Calibration plot

Here we visualize the entropy test results for the simulated data. The plot is in the same style as Figure 2 in the paper.

# load ggplot2 package

# make plot
ggplot(data.frame(t = 1:n, u = u), aes(x = t, y = u)) + 
  xlab("Time period") + ylab("ES - E(ES)") + 
  geom_point(pch = 20, col = grey(.5, .6), size = I(2)) + 
  theme_minimal(base_size = 14) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + 
  geom_smooth(se = FALSE, color = "blue2", size = I(.6)) 
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'