This is a short description on how to set up Visual Studio Code for the FLECS WebApp.
- Checkout the repository to your local pc and open it with Visual Studio Code.
- Follow this instruction: but instead of create-react-app at the beginning, simply install npm into the repository (call: npm install)
- After successful installation and start of npm, hitting F5 should open a new Chrome Windows loading the WebApp
We use ESLint for static analysis of our code. This tutorial shows how to setup ESLint in Visual Studio Code: During the configuration of ESLint several prompts are to answer. Please use the following answers:
✔ React
None of these
✔ Browser
✔ Use a popular style guide
Answer questions about your style
Inspect your JavaScript file(s)
-> Choose the Google Standard
Since you have already npm installed, simply start the test jest test suite by calling npm test. The same tests are running in our gitlab pipeline.