
Odoo RPC API client library (JSON and XML)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Build Status Quality Score

Odoo API client

Odoo (formerly OpenERP) is a Belgian suite of business management software tools (PGI) : https://www.odoo.com/.

This library allow communication trough Odoo JSON-RPC or XML-RPC API. Documentation about it can be found here (for the XML-RPC one, none for the JSON-RPC) : https://www.odoo.com/documentation/master/developer/reference/external_api.html

This library will allow you to :

  • Generate PHP model classes based on the info available into your own Odoo database to ease your calls to the API
  • Send requests to your Odoo instance through the JSON-RPC or the XML-RPC API
  • Make raw requests like Ripcord was doing it but using newer libs like :
    • php-http/httplug to make http requests
    • symfony/serializer to handle the JSON/XML-RPC format and to transform resulting array to dedicated object classes.



Install using Composer :

composer require flux-se/odoo-api-client php-http/guzzle7-adapter http-interop/http-factory-guzzle

php-http/guzzle7-adapter and http-interop/http-factory-guzzle are 2 requirements which can be chosen among php-http/client-implementation and psr/http-factory-implementation

Object models generation

First gather required credential and database info described here.

Depending on your instance the object models available will be different, that's why this library is allowing you to generate model classes using this cli command :

This command is using env vars to guess the credentials and database info, you can use those env vars to set your credential globally :

#> vendor/bin/odoo-model-classes-generator --help
  vendor/bin/odoo-model-classes-generator [options] [--] <basePath> <baseNamespace>

  basePath                   The path where classes will be generated (ex: ./src/OdooModel/Object)
  baseNamespace              The base namespace of the generated classes (ex: "App\OdooModel\Object")

      --host[=HOST]          Your Odoo base host (default: http://localhost:8069) [default: "http://localhost:8069"]
      --database[=DATABASE]  Your Odoo database name (default: odoo-master) [default: "odoo-master"]
      --username[=USERNAME]  Your Odoo account username. (default: admin) [default: "admin"]
      --password[=PASSWORD]  Your Odoo account password or API key (since Odoo v14, default: admin) [default: "admin"]
  -h, --help                 Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the vendor/bin/odoo-model-classes-generator command
  -q, --quiet                Do not output any message
  -V, --version              Display this application version
      --ansi                 Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction       Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose       Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Example :
  ./vendor/bin/odoo-model-classes-generator \
      --host http://localhost:8069 \
      --database odoo-master \
      --username admin \
      --password admin \
      ./src/OdooModel/Object \


This chapter will describe how the two Odoo APIs are working.


The Odoo JSON-RPC API expose 1 main endpoint /jsonrpc. The body request payload is a JSON object with specific data into it :

     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "method": 'call',
     "params": {
           "service": 'common',
           "method": 'login',
           "args": [
     "id": 123456890

The service param can be set with those 3 values :

  • db allowing to manage the postgres database
  • common allowing to authenticate a user or get info about the Odoo installation
  • object allowing operations with all API exposed models

This library help you to use those endpoints using ext-json and HttPlug, it also allows you to consume Odoo API using PHP classes representation of all installed Odoo Models.


The Odoo XML-RPC API expose 3 main endpoints :

  • /xmlrpc/2/db allowing to manage the postgres database
  • /xmlrpc/2/common allowing to authenticate a user or get info about the Odoo installation
  • /xmlrpc/2/object allowing operations with all API exposed models

This library help you to use those endpoints using ext-xmlrpc and HttPlug, it also allows you to consume Odoo API using PHP classes representation of all installed Odoo Models.

The authentication is not standard (compare to other APIs), your username and your password will be used during a call to /xmlrpc/2/common with the XML-RPC method authenticate (or login) returning your Odoo user id (uid). This uid, your password and your Odoo database name are required to make every request calls to the /xmlrpc/2/object endpoint.

Usage example

Using this library you will be able to use two ways of consuming the Odoo XML-RPC API :

  1. using array
  2. using object model classes

Using Array

List your first partner (Contact) :

$loader = require_once( __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php');

use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Builder\OdooApiClientBuilder;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Operations\Object\ExecuteKw\Options\SearchReadOptions;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Operations\Object\ExecuteKw\RecordListOperations;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Operations\Object\ExecuteKw\Arguments\Criterion;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Operations\Object\ExecuteKw\Arguments\SearchDomains;

$host = 'https://myapp.odoo.com';
$database = 'myapp';
$username = 'myemail@mydomain.tld';
$password = 'myOdooUserApiKey';

// 1 - instantiate the Odoo API client builder
$odooApiClientBuilder = new OdooApiClientBuilder($host);

// 2 - service allowing to query Odoo API using `execute_kw` method
$recordListOperations = $odooApiClientBuilder->buildExecuteKwOperations(

// 3.1 - Helper class to set parameters to your request
$searchDomains = new SearchDomains();
$searchDomains->addCriterion(Criterion::equal('is_company', true));
// will be translated to : [['is_company', '=', true]]

// 3.2 - Helper class to set options to your request
$searchReadOptions = new SearchReadOptions();

// 3.3 - Search for the first Partner being a company and only return its name 
$partners = $recordListOperations->search_read('res.partner', $searchDomains, $searchReadOptions);



array:1 [
  0 => array:2 [
    "id" => 1
    "name" => "My Partner"


By default, the JSON-RPC API will be used, if you want to use XML-RPC create an Odoo Api Client builder like this :

use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Api\OdooApiRequestMakerInterface;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Builder\OdooApiClientBuilder;

$odooApiClientBuilder = new OdooApiClientBuilder(

Using object model

$loader = require_once( __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php');

use App\Odoo\Model\Object\Res\Partner;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Builder\OdooApiClientBuilder;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Manager\ModelListManager;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Operations\Object\ExecuteKw\RecordListOperations;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Operations\Object\ExecuteKw\Arguments\Criterion;
use FluxSE\OdooApiClient\Operations\Object\ExecuteKw\Arguments\SearchDomains;

$host = 'https://myapp.odoo.com';
$database = 'myapp';
$username = 'myemail@mydomain.tld';
$password = 'myOdooUserApiKey';

// 1 - instantiate the Odoo API client builder 
$odooApiClientBuilder = new OdooApiClientBuilder($host);

// 2 - service allowing to query Odoo API using `execute_kw` method
$recordListOperations = $odooApiClientBuilder->buildExecuteKwOperations(

// 3 - upper service allowing to return classes instead of raw array data
$modelListManager = new ModelListManager(

// 4.1- Helper class to set parameters to your request
$searchDomains = new SearchDomains();
$searchDomains->addCriterion(Criterion::equal('is_company', true));
// will be translated to : [['is_company', '=', true]]

// 4.2 - Search for the first Partner being a company 
$partner = $modelListManager->findOneBy(Partner::class, $searchDomains);


  #name: "My test company"
  #date: DateTimeImmutable @1577880060 {#1234
    date: 2020-01-01 12:01:00.123456 UTC (+00:00)
  #is_company: true

  #id: 1
  #display_name: "My test company"
  #__last_update: DateTimeImmutable @1577923260 {#5678
    date: 2020-01-02 00:01:00.123456 UTC (+00:00)

Know issues


Using docker

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=odoo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=odoo -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres --name db postgres
docker run --rm --pull always -p 8069:8069 --name odoo -e "HOST=host.docker.internal" -t odoo:14 -- --database odoo-master --init "l10n_fr,account_accountant"

The server is fully ready to use when this log line appears (Odoo v13 could take longer than upper version to reach this line) :

2021-01-01 00:00:00,000 1 INFO odoo-master odoo.modules.loading: Modules loaded.

Generate the model classes based on the docker Odoo instance :

This script will use env vars to gather info about (see info here)

bin/odoo-model-classes-generator \
      "./tests/TestModel/Object" \

Test the code against the generated classes from your own Odoo instance

vendor/bin/ecs check tests