
Primary LanguageSCSS

Chatter Coding Challenge 🤖   hard time


Goals / Outcomes ✨

  • To test knowledge of using sockets (socket.io) and events
  • Understanding of callbacks, hooks and function references


Pre-requisites ✅



Requirements 📖

Most of the work needs to be done in the Messages components.

  • Implement hooks such as useEffect and useCallback to handle events
  • Scroll to the bottom of the messages list when sending/receiving a message
  • Show the initial Botty message by default (can be found in common/constants)
  • Use sockets to:
    • Send the user's message to Botty
    • Show a typing message when Botty is typing
    • Handle incoming Botty messages and display them


Botty Socket Events

See the Botty server documentation for more information.

  • bot-typing: Emitted by Botty when they are typing in response to a user message.
  • bot-message: Emitted by Botty with a message payload in response to a user message.
  • user-message: Emitted by you/the client with a messsage payload


Message Classes

We've provided Message components and classes. Here's some information about the classes.

  • .message--last: The last message in a group
  • .message--typing: The message the user sees when the recipient is typing
  • .message--me: Denotes a user message


Think about 💡

  • References to functions and current hook state
  • How to interact with socket.io, events and payloads
  • How React contexts work


What's Already Been Done 🏁

  • Socket setup/configuration with the Botty server (botty.alexgurr.com)
  • All UX and UI, including for messages
  • All components, including a message and typing message component
  • A context for setting the latest message, which will change the preview in the left user list
  • Hooks for playing send/receive sounds


Screenshots 🌄

  screenshot-desktop screenshot-mobile