
A set of Octave tools, helping to analyse and decode (not only 433MHz) ISM band signals.

Primary LanguageMatlab


Please notice that this is NOT complete and NOT functional yet!

A set of tools for GNU Octave, to help analysing and decoding (not only 433MHz) ISM band signals.

Already 26°C?


This is not a real-time protocol decoder, but a set of helpful tools to analyse recorded and already demodulated signals from audio files.

Analysing unknown signals often requires "just looking at them", comparing waveforms, zooming in- and out, as well as applying filters, offset corrections and many more...

These ISM protocols are all completely different and come in endless variations of

  • modulation
  • bitrate
  • number of bits
  • preambles
  • DC fillers
  • stuff-bits
  • time-coded bits
  • error corrections
  • ...

At least for simple, digital protocols, Octave (or 433M83Octave :) can be really helpful here.

It can

  • load waveforms
  • store as time-value format
  • apply filters
  • calculate offsets and moving thresholds
  • find peaks
  • estimate bitrates
  • extract packets from long recordings
  • split waveforms
  • stack plots to compare them
  • decode data
  • ...


In addition to an installation of GNU Octave, the following Octave packages are required:

  • octave-signal
  • ...


From within Octave

  • change to the directory where you copied the 433M83Octave tools
  • type source asSigTools.m to load the functions.

Fire up a quick example by typing asTest("signals/433M83_02.wav")




Have fun