
A modified image of the official certbot/certbot image that allows to use certbot with the deSEC hook

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


A modified image of the official certbot/certbot image that allows to use certbot with the deSEC hook.

The image takes care of setting up the deSEC hook for you. All you need to do is specify your deSEC token and domain name via the DEDYN_TOKEN and DEDYN_NAME build arguments, e.g.:

$ docker build . -t certbot-desec --build-arg DEDYN_TOKEN=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e --build-arg DEDYN_NAME=example.dedyn.io

Then you can use this image as you would use the default certbot/certbot image to obtain your certificate, e.g.:

$ docker run -it --rm certbot-desec --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d "example.dedyn.io" certonly

If you want to use this image fully headless you need to add the -n, --agree-tos and --email='your-email@example.com options.

To renew your certificate use

$ docker run --rm certbot-desec renew