
List of Software, Tools and Packages for Deep Learning, Graph Machine Learning, Graph Analysis, Graph Generation and Link Prediction


List of Software, Tools and Packages for Deep Learning, Graph Machine Learning, Graph Analysis, Graph Generation and Link Prediction

Name Free/Paid Purpose/Used For
Deep Learning
TensorFlow Free Open-source machine learning framework that can be used for deep learning applications, regression, and classification.
Keras (with TensorFlow backend) Free A high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
PyTorch Free An open-source machine learning library based on Torch, often used for applications that require dynamic computation graphs.
Scikit-learn Free A Python ML library that offers simple and efficient tools for data analysis and modeling.
Caffe Free A deep learning framework with a focus on expressiveness, speed, and modularity.
XGBoost Free An optimized gradient boosting library suitable for regression, classification, and ranking tasks.
LightGBM Free A gradient boosting framework that uses tree-based learning algorithms, optimized for speed and performance.
ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) Free An open standard format for representing machine learning models, facilitating interoperability among various frameworks.
Neural Designer Paid Advanced analytics software for data science and machine learning tasks.
MATLAB with Neural Network Toolbox Paid Offers tools for designing and simulating neural networks which can be applied to optical networks modeling.
H2O.ai Free (Enterprise version is Paid) An open-source AI platform that offers a variety of ML algorithms and tools.
Graph Deep Learning
DGL (Deep Graph Library) Free A Python library for graph neural networks. Supports various backend frameworks like PyTorch and MXNet.
PyTorch Geometric (PyG) Free An extension of PyTorch for geometric deep learning (like Graph Neural Networks).
Graph Nets Free A TensorFlow library for building graph networks, from DeepMind.
StellarGraph Free Python library for machine learning on graphs. Offers a variety of algorithms for graph machine learning.
Spektral Free A library for graph neural networks with a TensorFlow 2.x backend.
Karate Club Free A Python library for unsupervised machine learning on graphs, offering a wide array of modern methods.
Node2Vec Free A method and associated library for graph embeddings.
GNN (Graph Neural Networks) with TensorFlow and Keras Free Offers support for designing graph neural networks using familiar TensorFlow and Keras interfaces.
CUGRAPH Free Based on RAPIDS.AI, it allows for GPU acceleration for graph analytics.
Neo4j with Graph Data Science Library Both (Free version and Paid enterprise version) A graph database with an associated data science library for graph algorithms.
GraphVite Free A high-performance CPU-GPU hybrid system for node embeddings, graph layouts, and graph learning.
Graph Visualisation
NetworkX Free Python library for graph creation, manipulation, and analysis.
Gephi Free Interactive visualization and exploration platform for graphs, great for large-scale graph analysis.
Graph-tool Free Python library for graph analysis with statistical and scalability optimizations.
Cytoscape Free Platform for complex network analysis and visualization.
igraph (Python, C, R versions) Free Library for creating and analyzing graphs.
Neo4j with Neo4j Bloom Both (Free version and Paid enterprise version) Graph database with a visualization tool (Bloom).
Pyvis Free Python library for visualizing networks.
Graphviz Free Graph visualization software with various bindings for different languages including Python.
Bokeh with Holoviews Free Interactive visualization in Python, with Holoviews offering extended functionalities for graph visualization.
Plotly Both (Free and Paid versions) Python graphing library, supports network visualization among various other plot types.
Vis.js Free Dynamic, browser-based visualization library. Can be used with Python via certain wrappers.
Sigma.js Free JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.
Graph Generation
NetworkX Free Python library that provides functions to generate both classic graphs and random graphs.
igraph (Python, C, R versions) Free Library that provides capabilities to generate various types of random graphs.
Graph-tool Free Python library with capabilities to generate random graphs based on various algorithms.
SNAP.py Free Large-scale graph processing and analysis library with functionalities to generate graphs.
Gephi Free While primarily a visualization tool, Gephi has plugins that allow for graph generation.
GTgraph Free A suite of synthetic graph generators.
BRITE (Boston university Representative Internet Topology gEnerator) Free Generates synthetic topologies that resemble the Internet's AS topology.
RMAT (Recursive MATrix) Part of Graph500 benchmark Algorithm for generating large graphs with power-law degree distribution and small-world properties.
LFR-Benchmark Generator Free Generates benchmark networks with built-in community structure.
MUSKETEER Free Graph generator tool to create realistic graphs for given node degree distribution, clustering coefficient, etc.
Graph500 Free A benchmark suite that includes the Kronecker graph generator.
Link Prediction
NetworkX Free While primarily a graph analysis tool, NetworkX has basic functions that can be adapted to compute features useful for link prediction.
igraph (Python, C, R versions) Free Has functionalities that can help compute measures and features necessary for link prediction.
Snap.py Free A Python library for large-scale network analysis. Contains utilities that can be employed for link prediction.
LinkPred Free Dedicated Python library for link prediction. It offers a range of predictors from basic ones to more complex algorithms.
OpenNE Free A Python toolkit for Network Embedding (NE), a method used for link prediction. Offers implementations of various NE methods.
Karate Club Free Python library offering several state-of-the-art graph embedding techniques, useful for link prediction.
GEM (Graph Embedding Methods) Free A Python repository containing several graph embedding techniques, which can be applied for tasks like link prediction.
DeepWalk Free A Python implementation of the DeepWalk algorithm, which uses deep learning to learn latent representations of nodes for link prediction.
node2vec Free Python implementation of the node2vec algorithm, useful for link prediction using learned node embeddings.
GraphSAGE Free Uses node feature information to inductively generate embeddings, which can then be used for link prediction.
Spektral Free Python library for graph deep learning built on top of TensorFlow 2.x and Keras. It can be used to build models for link prediction.
PyTorch Geometric (PyG) Free PyTorch-based library for deep learning on graphs, provides utilities and models for link prediction.