
For when you've been walking for a thousand hours and you want to pee :D Save the toilets you know.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Me Meo WC

The idea is to make an APP where you can save points of interest. But the focus is on saving where to find public restrooms.

The idea in the future is to have all the info shared, and when you travel to a new city you can see where public restrooms are (depending on whether there are users in that city who have previously saved public restrooms).

Actual State

You can save restrooms but they are not shared. And are only saved in your phone.

Dev Plans

  • Better user input:
    • to save a name
    • description (in case the restroom has a schedule)
    • if it's free or there is a little fee
    • location in a building (second floor...)
  • Deleting restrooms
  • Sharing restrooms (calling an API to get near restrooms)