Entity Linking resources
Some articles:
2015_Entity Linking with a Knowledge Base Issues Techniques and Solutions.pdf
2018_Bilinear joint learning of word and entity embeddings for Entity Linking.pdf
2019_PPR-SSM personalized PageRank and.pdf
2019_Attention-Based Joint Entity Linking with Entity Embedding.pdf
2020_Fine-Grained Entity Linking.pdf
2021_Entity Linking Based on Sentence Representation.pdf
2022_Multilingual Autoregressive Entity Linking.pdf
2022_An Efficient Method for Biomedical Entity Linking Based.pdf
2023_Learning_Entity_Linking_Features_for_Emerging_Entities.pdf2023_An overview of biomedical entity linking throughout the years.pdf
2023_A metric learning-based method for biomedical entity linking.pdf
2023_Reveal the Unknown Out-of-Knowledge-Base.pdf
2023_Multilingual bi‐encoder models for biomedical entity linking.pdf
2023_Exploiting anonymous entity mentions for named entity linking.pdf
2023_Candidate Set Expansion for Entity and Relation Linking Based.pdf