
A progresive web app (PWA) which utilizes whitespaces to make text invisible

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


License Issues Chat on Gitter

Netlify Status  FOSS-Cell-GECPKD


A progressive web-app which utilizes whitespaces to hide the text from being visible.


Clone this repo!

Make a local clone of this repo, so you can work on it from your own computer.

git clone https://github.com/FOSS-Cell-GECPKD/hide-it.git

Running the React App

  • open terminal at the repo
cd hide-it
npm install
npm start

Instructions for use

To Encode

  • Enter the text you want to hide in the first box
  • Enter an optional mask text
  • Press encode button
  • Press Copy, and you have the encrypted text in your clipboard

To Decode

  • Enter the encrypted text into the first box
  • Press decode, and there you have it

How this works?


  • First it takes the text to encode and splits it into characters.
  • It then takes each character and converts it into unicode.
  • The unicode is then converted to 8-bit binary code.
  • Then, for each 1 and 0 it returns a zero-width character ie '\u200B' and '\u200C' respectively.
  • Finally, it joins all these into a string, places '\uFEFF' in between and returns it.


  • Firstly, it splits the given string into an array using '\uFEFF'
  • Now, it changes zero-width characters into binary by replacing 1,0 for every '\u200B' and '\u200C' respectively.
  • Then it converts these binary codes into integer.
  • The integers are then converted to character.
  • And lastly, the characters are then joined to make the final string.



Discussions about Hide-it takes place on Gitter Chat. Anyone is welcome to join these conversations.


Licensed under the MIT License.

This project was a part of FOSS OpenHack '20: https://openhack.gitbook.io/openhack-20/.