
Brief Description about the organization


This is the official Github organization for FOSS-UCSC. The purpose of the club is make a better environment for internal UCSC students to work on open source projects.

You are warmly welcome to join with us.

  • Make repositories for your own project ideas...
  • Contributes to the others' projects...
  • Compete on online projects competiitions...
  • Show us that you are capable to do things as a UCSC student...

Idea Pool : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yPxHjPGxaWUEhlsdnZ1rhoif9mh2LGafKAPb2uKFPWk

Slack Workspace : https://join.slack.com/t/foss-ucsc/shared_invite/enQtNDIzMTE1MTQxNTExLTI3YWQwMjNlZWI3ZWU3MzE4Mjc2OWU2NzBlMDI4M2QzZjdlZTEyYTI0Y2I5M2JkM2ZlNTRhYTBiZDkzNmYwMTc

For Contributors

Contributing rules and details will be provided soon.