
FaceRecognition Script using OpenCv,Haarcascades and Python2.0x

Primary LanguagePython


Designed a face recognition model with low accuracy(Because hand-held devices were not recognized)

One reason to add this image is to show when you tirelessly work on something and it’s finally successful you are too tired to express it.

Dataset phase! So anyway the first thing is to take the pictures to train the guy…because computers are stupid I had to specify each and everything We are creating a path to the directory Datasets, here is the XML file needed for cascading, this is the font and this person’s id is 1 and so on…capture it with the video cam and please take images in grayscale.

Training Phase! Remember the path dataset folder we created back then? yeah go ahead and take those images and read them..convert these pixels of the image to an array and detect the faces in these files.

Recognition Phase! Call the recognizer to use and remember all the files we used from all the phases switch on the camera take the video check the face id from the first file and if it’s this face then this elif the other guy and so forth..add a square of this size around the face. And Viola! your face recognition project is done. I know I know I have given a very abstract idea of the entire process but that’s good for you to get started! Because overwhelming tasks can only hinder progress and attacks learning attitude.

Attendance Phase! was creating a .csv file and exporting the face id strings to this .csv file and I wouldn’t worry about it because it’s comparatively easier to do and also I lost that file.(I will code it again later and add it to my github page)

NOTE! I will shortly upload my code for this project to get started and appreciate the beauty of computers and their abilities. I am currently occupied with getting this website up and running so will need some time thanks for your patience.

Thanks for Reading and Do share!!.

FaceRecognition Script using OpenCv,Haarcascades and Python2.0x

The Requirements

1.Python 2.4.14

2.OpenCV version 2.4.9(how to install?- download and store the opencv file into lib->site->packages(The place where your python is installed-in commandprompt pip install opencv-contrib-python)

3.Install cv2, numpy, PILLOW(image processing module in python)

4.Create a directory where you plan to save the recognizer(name this directory "Classifier" and add the face.xml file into it)

5.This is the very first version of face_Recog I made the other more advanced versions are yet to be uploaded