Flow Physics and Aeroacoustics Toolbox with Python
Jupyter NotebookLGPL-3.0
- akshaysubrUnited States
- AlanXu99
- alexlibTel Aviv University
- birajkhadka
- bokong537
- Cfdbooks
- chandanboseUniversity of Birmingham, UK
- ctoweryLos Alamos National Laboratory
- EduardoMolinaSão José dos Campos - Brasil
- eeethon
- freeQaQ
- fyjun007
- hfkmt
- Liluuuz
- liujiamingustcUSTC
- liwendes
- MartyLTC
- maruthinhIndian Institute of Science
- mlwongStanford University
- RahulSundarBio-mimetics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- rajeshrinetIIT Madras
- randomwangran
- SainTree
- smj-edisonWashingon, US
- ugkeBengaluru
- yyyc1dot
- Zhengyu-Huang
- zlmark