
Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers to Leak Data at Rest

Primary LanguageC

Experiment code for Augury: Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers to Leak Data at Rest

This git repo contains the code for running the experiments and PoCs provided in our paper, Augury: Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers to Leak Data at Rest. For more info or to read the paper, please visit our webpage.

Main experiment code

Building the code

Running make should be enough to build the code. We have only tested the code and compiler specific features using clang. All of this should work on gcc as well, but we haven't verified this.

There are additional build options available for configuring in the Makefile depending on how you want to run the experiments. For example, the variable KEXT determines if the experiment code will use the kernel extension to enable and use the M1's performance monitoring counters (KEXT=1) or the mach syscall mach_absolute_time (KEXT=0) to record access times.

Running the code

Quick and Dirty

Various runscripts are included which can be used to directly run the experiments included in the paper. These are:

  • existence.sh: Runs the AOP-DMP experiments used to generate Figures 4 and 7. To run IMP-DMP experiments, change the BIN in run_env.sh.
  • strides.sh: Runs the experiments used to generate Figure 8. It will not generate a graph for this figure, but will dump the necessary data as a csv.
  • pagebound.sh: Runs the experiments used to generate Figure 9.
  • addrs.sh: Runs the experiments used to characterize the behaviour around 0x280000000-0xffff3f2b0000.

These files will all attempt to call the plotter to generate figures. This step is not necessary for regular usage and depends on the included Conda Environment being setup (augury_env.yml).

If you encounter any problems with these scripts, we instead recommend following the process below.

Details of our Experiments

The main experiment code referenced in our paper's sections Existence of the M1 DMP and Reverse engineering the M1 DMP is contained in the file augury.c. After running the build, the binary will be located at bin/augury.

You can run the experiment using the following command in this directory:

./bin/augury <num_train_ptrs> <offs_past_train_buf> <repetitions>
<coreID> <ptrs_per_cacheline_density>

To get a better feel of what these command line args mean, consider the following pseudocode simplified from that contained in augury.c:

// ...snip setup...
pin_cpu(coreID); // Cores 0-3 are icestorm, 4-7 firestorm
// ...snip setup...

for (size_t rep = 0; rep < repetitions; ++rep) {

	/* train loop */
	for (size_t ii = 0; ii < num_train_ptrs; ++ii) {
		*aop[ii * ptrs_per_cacheline_density];

	/* time the access to test pointer */
	size_t time1 = CURRENT_TIME;
	*aop[(num_train_ptrs + offs_past_train_buf - 1) * ptrs_per_cacheline_density];
	size_t time2 = CURRENT_TIME;

	access_times[rep] = time2 - time1;

In this code snippet:

  • <coreID> determines whether the experiment runs on the Icestorm (0 through 3 inclusive) or Firestorm (4 through 7 inclusive) cores.

  • <repetitions> controls how many times the main experiment loop is run and how many times we time the test pointer access.

  • <num_train_ptrs> controls how many pointers are stored and accessed in the array of pointers.

  • <offs_past_train_buf> controls which pointer past the end of the array of pointers is accessed for timing. If <offs_past_train_buf> is greater than the prefetch depth of the DMP, then access times should be slow, if it is less than the prefetch depth, then the pointer should have been prefetched and accessing it should be fast. Note that this means the array of pointers (aop in the pseudocode) is allocated enough room to store at least <num_train_ptrs> + <offs_past_train_buf> pointers. Note from the pseudocode that <offs_past_train_buf> = 0 means that we test the access time to the last training pointer in the AoP and that <offs_past_train_buf> = 1 is the index of the first pointer after the training pointers.

  • <ptrs_per_cacheline_density> sets how many pointers are stored in a L2 cacheline. Since the Apple M1 has 128 byte L2 cachelines and pointers are 8 bytes wide, <ptrs_per_cacheline_density> should be between 1 and 16 (16 == 128/8) inclusive.

A short-running example configuration we've been running is the following. If your machine has a DMP, then this should result in a fast train and test access time compared to the baseline (see next subsection of this README).

./bin/augury 64 3 5 7 16

Data analysis and plotting scripts

After running the augury binary, results of the experiment (program) are logged in the ./out directory. The ./out directory should contain two files: ./out/baseline.out and ./out/aop.out. Each of these files is a two-column csv file with a header. The first column, named test, specifies the test access time, i.e., time2 - time1 in the above pseudocode. The second column, named train, specifies the time to iterate through all of the <num_train_ptrs> train pointers, i.e., the time to run the inner for-loop in the above pseudocode.



The SLH PoC is given in slh-poc.c, and the experiment binary after building is bin/slh-poc. This binary requires no command line arguments to run. Shortly after running the binary, you will be prompted to pick between 3 pointers. The pointer you select will be placed slightly past the bound of an array of pointers. All of the pointers are then kicked out of cache.

After iterating through the array of pointers and activating the DMP, the selected pointer will be prefetched by the DMP but never accessed by an instruction. After iterating through the array of pointers, the program then checks the access times of each of the pointers. At the end of the program execution, these access times are printed.

If the machine running the code has a DMP, then the access times of the pointer you selected should be roughly around the time of an L2 cache access time.

Out-of-bounds read PoC

We mention an out-of-bound read PoC in the paper, but we do not provide an explicit binary for it here. The out-of-bounds read PoC is identical to the SLH poc but without the -mspeculative-load-hardening compiler flag.

Testing validity of pointers (ASLR break) PoC

The ASLR PoC is given in aslr-poc.c, and the experiment binary after building is bin/aslr-poc. Our PoC's code is adapted from this Spectre attack example for x86-64.

This PoC binary also takes no command line args but will prompt you to enter a pointer which the PoC will test for being a valid, accessible virtual address. The binary will print some valid virtual addresses it knows of for you to select, or you can pick a random one and hope that it is not valid.

At the end of the program's execution, the program will print the access times to a bunch of memory addresses. If the pointer you selected was valid, then the access time of the test pointer specified at the end of main should be fast (roughly around the time of an L2 cache access time). If you do not change the test pointer (the one specified at the end of main), then this pointer should be array2[103 * 512] in the printed access times.

Plotting Results from Other Systems

After testing another system, plot the AOP and IMP data using:

./pool_avgs.py -c sku.cfg sku_sweep --list [aop_filenames] --save_file [output_file]
./pool_avgs.py -c sku_imp.cfg sku_sweep --list [imp_filenames] --save_file [output_file]

These scripts will only work if the filenames are unchanged.

Packaging the experiment code

In our paper, we mention running existence experiments for both the 2-level, pointer-chasing DMP and the indirection-based DMP. The code package that we used to test across a bunch of X86_64 and ARM processors is all of the C code in this repo and the package.sh, runme.sh, and package_sweep.sh shell scripts. These shell scripts have been tested to work with both zsh and bash.

To run the packaged up experiment code, run bash package.sh and the packaged up experiment code will be in the directory specified in package.sh (by default it is dmp_existence_experiment_package_long). In this directory, there are the runme.sh and package_sweep.sh scripts. Run bash runme.sh, and after a while, the results for different AoP sizes will be dumped in the directory. Result files named like a...data and i...data contain the data from the runs for the AoP (2-level, pointer-chasing DMP) and the IMP (multi-level, indirection-based DMP) respectively. The files ab...data and ib...data contain the same types of data but for the respective baseline runs (see the Existence section of our paper for more info).

If the rest of the above instructions have already worked for you, you probably do not need to run this packaged experiment code. It is just here for convenience if you want to package the code up to send to your friends with cool processors for running like we did.