Raspberry Pi photobooth
- Raspberry pi
- Raspberri camera
- Apache
- Composer
- Laravel 4
- NodeJS
- Bower
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Raspicam
- Bower
- Router
- Mobile phone or tablet
Clone this repo on your raspberry pi
$ git clone git@github.com:FR6/photobooth.git
Install Node modules
$ npm install raspicam
Install Laravel packages
$ composer install
Install Bower components
mkdir public/files
nano app/storage/settings.json
- Set static IP to your raspberry pi
Connect raspberry pi to router with RJ45 cable
Connect mobile or tablet to router by Wifi
Connect to your raspberry pi with a SSH application on your mobile or tablet
Start node server
$ node /var/www/photoboot/server.js
In your mobile or tablet browser go to
Take pictures pressing button...