
PromptPlus.WriteLine does not print stringified JSON

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The below line of code breaks with the following error Error: Could not find color or style ' '.

PromptPlus.WriteLine("[\r\n  {\r\n    \"statusCode\": 509,\r\n    \"statusReason\": \"509\",\r\n    \"sum\": 1500\r\n  }\r\n]{\r\n  \"sumResponseTime\": 1462553.39,\r\n  \"averageResponseTime\": 243.76,\r\n  \"minResponseTime\": 0,\r\n  \"maxResponseTime\": 1480.45,\r\n  \"p90ResponseTime\": 752,\r\n  \"p50ResponseTime\": 107,\r\n  \"p10ResponseTime\": 80\r\n}");

And the below line throws the error Error: Encountered malformed markup tag at position 101.

PromptPlus.WriteLine("\"[\\r\\n  {\\r\\n    \\\"statusCode\\\": 509,\\r\\n    \\\"statusReason\\\": \\\"509\\\",\\r\\n    \\\"sum\\\": 1\\r\\n  }\\r\\n]");

Check out issue #65.