
New Rev Max Swerve Robot Code for FRC 2024

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Swerve 2024 code

1740's swerve repository for the FRC 2024 season. This is our 2024 codebase. To make changes to the repo, follow the Github Setup in VSCode, Then see the Style Guide

Robot Physical Specifications

  • 26 * 26 inches (add height)
  • camera positions
  • Swerve specifications
  • general position and idea GroundIntake
  • The Horn The Horn is the main intake and shooter on our robot. It can score in the speaker and amp. It currently has no trap support.
  • general position and idea Climber


Drive Train

  • 8 motor REV MAXswerve system
  • SparkMAX controllers
  • Spark ID Numbers 1-8 clockwise starting from FrontLeft
  • Odd: Drive; Even: Turn


  • 1 Neo
  • You run it forward to put it up and once extended, you can run it opposite to climb.


  • 1 NEO
  • It runs a motor to a bar that intakes notes into the conveyor


  • 1 NEO
  • Very simple forward back with belts


  • 1 NEO 550
  • Extends to deflect a note into the amp


  • 2 Neos
  • A flat sheet to hold notes and 4 wheels on either side powered by Neos

Path Information

  • (I'm not doing this because it will never get used)

Software Todo List (sorted by priority)

Current things to test

  • Drive to point
  • Test error tab
  • Shuffleboard logging (scary) maybe
  • OTF pathing
  • Swerve logging check
  • Check drivewhile aligning tolerences People
  • Cordinate the software team and see who wants to help with software
  • Inform software team of structure and git and PID
  • Make sure they all have a solid understanding of the principles the code runs on (see last year's repo)
  • Make sure everyone has a solid understanding of java
  • Cordinate tasks
  • Assign some sort of laptop system

General Software

  • Update codebase to 2024.2 when full release is out so we aren't on version "2024.1.1-beta-2"! This involves changing:
  • Many SparkMAX declarations to Spark
  • The version of the RoboRio so builds will succeed. (This is what is currently preventing update now)


  • Set up the shuffleboard base code, (not the indivudal methods that use it) based off last years example
  • Log trajectories
  • Get some sort of auto previsualization so we can see it before using it
  • Add logging to drive subsystem to see wheel angles and robot position
  • Add logging for note subsystems
  • Add climber logging


  • Find out why turning motors were turning seemingly randomly and fix it
  • Fix the one random wheel that didn't turn correctly
  • Turn on field relative control
  • Add pathplanning for autos
  • Auto motor stop on tilt
  • Custom pathfinder with vision https://pathplanner.dev/pplib-pathfinding.html#custom-pathfinders
  • Finish the system functionality
  • Tune the system so it works well
  • If apriltag vision pose esimation should take precedence in getPose, update it to get the pos with the limelight if able


  • Get drive controls working
  • Quadratic driving falloff
  • Create control ideas for the driver and co driver (talk to Abby and Co-Driver)
  • Add delay to DPad input so when releasing two buttons it doesn't collapse into one
  • Right Stick angle control and click stick in to snap?
  • Implement controls
  • Make sure control feel is good and everything makes sense
  • Different control selection from shuffleboard
  • Controller rumble would be cool, could provide feedback on time left in match??


  • Concurent work on limelight and lamelight
  • Import old code
  • Setup and update limelight
  • Calibrate the limelight with the online tool
  • Check and fix imported limelight subsystem
  • Incorperate limelight table with shuffleboard
  • Get current limelight tag id and adjust co-driver controls based off it.
  • Consider Using limelight to track gamepieces
  • Lamelight (not using)
  • Import old code
  • Grab the lamelight from last years robot
  • Set up lamelight (Photon vision) (see last year's repo)
  • Rename instances of vision with photonVision for clarity
  • Incorperate lamelight table with shuffleboard
  • Calibrate lamelight
  • Automatic Bumper Detection would be really cool


  • Actually figure out what the mechanics entail and how it works
  • Find out how many motors it is
  • Create stub code for testing
  • See Shuffleboard


  • Figure out what this is called and rename it here
  • Actually figure out what the mechanics entail and how it works
  • See how the flap works
  • Create stub code for testing
  • See Shuffleboard
  • Add a homing mode where if nothing is happening it centers a note

Deflector (ie. Licker)

  • Create subsystem
  • Create constants
  • Set reasonable current limit to DeflectorConstants

Ground Intake

  • See how the ground intake works
  • Create stub code
  • Create subsystem
  • See Shuffleboard

Last Year's Repo

  • ⚠️ This is intended as a place of reference to see the general structure, not to copy code without understanding it
  • 2023 Souce Code

Important Devolopment Resources

This is the main resource we use besides googling things, this contains most, if not all the answers you need

Github VSCode Setup Tutorial

There are 2 different methods to setup git, I remove the legacy methodas reference, we switched to an easier and faster branched solution more widely used professionally. The old method is still useful if you need to make a change to a repository you don't have access to and it's on the drive.

  • Create a Github account
  • Ask Mr. Estabrooks to add you to his repository
  • Clone the repository via VSCode
  • Go to the third tab on the left
  • Click on the three dots, and click create branch
  • Name it something like dev-[name] or dev-[initals]
  • Click publish branch


  • Ideally this should be done every time you open your code and as often as possible to avoid conflicts
  • If it has been a long time since you have worked it's a good idea to pull so you don't get a lot of merge conflicts
  • To pull code, make sure you have no pending changes (if you do, see Pushing Code)
  • Run "git pull"
  • If there are conflicts ask for advice if you don't know what you're doing (If you are reading this you don't)


  • Now that you have setup your github you can edit code on your working branch
  • Make sure your changes work and make sure it builds and deploys before commiting
  • After you finish the changes you now should look to the left panel and click the third git source control icon
  • Hit Commit and if you haven't saved, hit Save all and Commit Changes
  • It will ask you to input a message, either through a file or the message box at the top, either type in box or in the file save, and hit the checkmark to submit it
  • Sync changes
  • Go to github and click the dev branch you are on via the branch button
  • Click create pull request and follow the thing through the menus
  • You can continue commiting with an unresolved pull request and subsequent commits will be appeneded to the request

Style Guide

If you are reading this, you have configured git and are set up to write code. Here we use two space indenting, so you need to go to the VSCode setting and change the default tab spacing for the workspace. It should be noted, this is a guideline, not hard rules; there will always be exceptions.


  • ⚠️ Whenever creating a subsystem, it is VITAL to set current limits. Without these NEOs can burn up extremely easily, Roughly 50 seems to work well.

  • When possible, static and final is always better, if it doesn't change, it should be marked as so. This mostly applies with constants in constant files

public static final double kPXController = 1;
  • Public vs Private You should only make a variable public if it needs to be publicly accessible. For example,
public static final double kPXController = 1;

Should be public because it needs to be accessed because it is a constant, but

private DriveSubsystem m_robotDrive

In RobotContainer, should not be public because you should get a reference via RobotShared. When in doubt, it should be private and passed as an argument.

  • File Placement Files should be placed in a spot that makes sense. This is very subjective, but Subsystems should be placed in subsystems, and constants in constants ect. Sometimes, it makes sense to make a new folder, for example, you have a file "Horn Intake". It doesn't make sense to place it in commands, becuase it is simple with no PID, so, you place it in basic. But then, basic is getting a little crowded, so you can put it in a Horn folder.


  • Variable Names Local variables should be named with camelCase so the first letter is lowercase, note this affects variables with m_.
int angleForDPad = 0;
  • Constants Constants should be written in PascalCase, so the first letter is uppercase and prefixed with a lowercase "k".
public static final double kGyroAngularOffset = Math.PI / 2;

Generally, because the robot is so complex, abbreviating is frowned apon, however there are many exceptions.

  • Subsystem Files Files should be in PascalCase rather than camelCase, to denote importance.
  • Local subsystem refrenences Local subsystem refrenences should be denoted with m_[subsystem's name]. This is to reduce confusion on what is a local reference because the m stands for my.
private DriveSubsystem m_robotDrive;
Function calls
  • Braces Braces should be placed after the function a space after, not on a new line
  • Parenthesis in functions Parenthesis should be placed after the name with no space
  private void configureButtonBindings() {
  • Function wrapping: If a function seems to be a lot for one line, you can separate it into multiple lines like in this example. Some code examples may use 2 tabs instead, but to stay consistent, use one.
new RunCommand(() ->
    -MathUtil.applyDeadband(m_driverController.getLeftY(), OIConstants.kDriveDeadband), 
    -MathUtil.applyDeadband(m_driverController.getLeftX(), OIConstants.kDriveDeadband), 
    output, fieldRelative, rateLimit));

Math should be coded with a space inbetween variables for clarity.

public static final double kGyroAngularOffset = Math.PI / 2;