
Page to analyze a unicode string.

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Unicode Analyze Page

A simple website where you type in a string and get a list of all Unicode characters in it, their name, value, UTF-8 encoding and Block.

It also displays meaning of CJK characters from the Unihan database, but this is not a translator. No web requests past the original one for the page and data JSON, updates in real time.

To see it in action go to https://frex.github.io/unicode.html. Some examples:

  1. abc
  2. español
  3. 😀😁😎
  4. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  5. 日本語
  6. русский язык
  7. 한국어


NOTE: precomposed Hangul characters (link 7. above) have no names listed, but the block is listed correctly as Hangul Syllables. Characters from other blocks (Hangul Jamo, Hangul Compatibility Jamo, Hangul Jamo Extended-A, and Hangul Jamo Extended-B) have names listed. This is how Unicode zip files list the data about these characters. I might try to do something about it in the future to provide readings/romanization of syllables for precomposed Hangul.


To deploy this tool yoursef you need the three files:

  1. index.html - the HTML with input box and inline JS to analyze the string.
  2. data.js - the data as JSON, generated from UCD.zip and Unihan.zip files.
  3. blocks.js - the data as JSON, generated from UCD.zip file.

All the files and the gendata.py script that generates data.js and blocks.js are in this repo.

To get the UCD.zip and Unihan.zip files, visit https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/.

You don't need to unpack them, just drop them in same directory as gendata.py and run it, to generate data.js and blocks.js. The meaning of CJK characters is taken from kDefinition field.


Other tools to deal with Unicode strings, analyze them, convert them, etc.:

  1. https://www.fontspace.com/unicode/analyzer - updates in real time, but the first time character appears it takes a split second to load its info. It also only lists the codepoint of CJK characters, but not their meanings. Provides the link with your input prefilled but it's not plaintext in the URL (it looks base 64 encoded, which for Unicode input makes it shorter in URL than URL encoding done by browser). Does a request for every update if there are new characters not previously seen in the input (but this data is cached so typing ab does 2 requests, and aa just 1).
  2. https://unicodemap.org/search.asp - limit of 1000 characters, splits non-BMP characters (e.g. emojis) into surrogate pairs, doesn't update in real time, has no CJK character meaning. Provides a link with your input prefilled.
  3. https://devina.io/unicode-analyser - updates in real time, has more info than just codepoint values, fast, but still no CJK meaning data. Until late 2022 it had no way to make a link that leads to the page and has prefilled input.
  4. https://freetools.textmagic.com/unicode-detector - updates in real time, shows you what characters might cause problems and be encoded in longer encodings in SMS text messages.
  5. https://www.soscisurvey.de/tools/view-chars.php - requires a click to execute, shows non-printable characters hidden in the string, but nothing else.
  6. https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/search.htm - requires a click to excute, can only search one character a time it seems (or you can search by Unicode code for some specific character). Includes CJK meaning.
  7. https://r12a.github.io/app-analysestring/index.html - requires a click to execute, and does web request to get high res picture of non-CJK characters. No CJK meaning, but for CJK provides Unihan Unicode database link, which has this and other information.
  8. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unicode-analyzer/pipjflhdnjcdflbkmoldkkpphmhcfaio - Chrome extension, lots of information provided on the tab that opens for analysis, convenient for existing web page, but to analyze own string you need to edit the URL or get it typed into some input box on another website first. No CJK meaning.
  9. https://www.branah.com/unicode-converter - no character information or CJK meaning, but converts given string in realtime to many UTF- encodings, big and little endian, percent encoding, etc.