This is a fun project to build an interactive drone.
- that has computer vision features
- that has distance sensors
- that has audio in and output
First flight:
The drone should be able to ...
- navigate inside a room and detect obstacles
- find persons and detect faces
- interact with persons
- talk to the person
- take a picture of the person
- interact with social media (e.g.)
We are writing a project diary to document our progress and what we have learned.
- Jan 2017: Getting Started - Evaluating Drone Hardware
- Jan 2017: First Features and Milestones
- Jan 2017: Perception of the drones surroundings
- 10.02.2017: Person tracking with dlib correlation tracker
- 17.02.2017: Optical Flow Demo with OpenCV
- 18.02.2017: Install OpenCV on AWS Ubuntu with CUDA
- 19.02.2017: Creating a mainboard
- 26.02.2017: Mounting hardware on the drone
- 03.03.2017: Stream Bebop video with Python and OpenCV
- 06.03.2017: Land the drone by voice-command
We work at codecentric in Karlsruhe and Hamburg, Germany. codecentric encourages every employee to start innovative projects and we have one day per week to work on them ... We are hiring ;)
- Tobias Schaber @tobiasschaber
- Raphael Manke
- Michael Plümacher
- Andrey Skorikov
- Oli Moser @moseroli
- communication via slack channel
- ToDos in (
- sketching diagrams and mindmapping on (
- sources and documentation here on github
- videos on youtube channel (