
Free(as in freedom) alternative for google keep

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Free(as in freedom) alternative for Google Keep

alt tag

##Contribution #####To contribute please follow these steps

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Branch into a feature branch feature/you_feature
  3. Write clear commit messages
  4. Give Pull Request to develop branch. Pull request to master will not be accepted
  5. Write clear description to the pull request.

##Meteor learning resources

  1. https://github.com/Meteor-Chennai/Meteor-Learning
  2. https://www.yauh.de/best-learning-resources-for-meteorjs/


For more detailed instructions please refer guide.


LibreNote is released Under GPLv3 and made with Meteor


Librenote is in alpha stage. Wait for more awesomeness.


Like librenote? Star the repository on GitHub. if you're feeling especially charitable, follow fsftn on Twitter and GitHub.